The Belly Button Thing: Chapter 26

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Author's note: Sorry I'm late! I'm running on super CP time right now. Lol. Story of my life, really.

I'm not super thrilled with how this turned out. Mostly because I've read it so many times while editing that I lost my excitement for most of the scenes. Lol.

I wanted to go over it one more time, but it's so fucking long, and I'm sure you guys don't wanna wait any longer. I'm also sure I can count on y'all to point out any mistakes I didn't catch on my own. (I'm so serious, I really appreciate the extra editing eyes. It's a huge help!) I'll fix 'em later, probably next month. I'm trying to use this month to get a super huge head start on the next chapter, as well as the rest of the story, because I need to finish this shit this year! (I'm sure you agree.)

Anyway, as a heads up, there will be 31 chapters and an epilogue total. Basically, 6 more chapters to go.


Thank God, it's finally Friday! I think to myself as I hurry to my locker.

I mean, I'm not overly excited about riding in a cupcake for hours at a time; but Vega will be in the cupcake with me. Along with the brats, Beck, Redhead, Cat, Robbie, André and Sikowitz, but that's a small price to pay. This will be the longest we've spent time together in a while. I'm really looking forward to it.

I rummage through my bag to put my stuff up when my hand brushes a small box. And it reminds me...

It's almost Vega's birthday. Just nine days from today I'll be giving her the gifts I brought. Ninety-nine of them, I'm sure she'll love. But the last one, the one hundredth one...I don't know. Maybe it's a bad idea. I mean, I thought it was an excellent idea when I bought it, but now...

God, there's such a good chance she'll hate it.

Discreetly, I pull the box out really quick, pop it open, and stare. It's such a loaded gift. I mean, it's just a ring. But it's more than obvious that it's not just a ring. There's a good chance that'll freak my girlfriend out. Or, it may let her realize just how serious I am about her.

I shrug a little. If she freaks out when she sees it, maybe I can tell her it's just a promise ring.

Like she'll believe that!

Shut up, Tori. I sigh.

She's probably right though. There's no way I'll be able to fool Vega into thinking it's merely a promise ring; which is probably why I haven't wrapped it up like her other gifts. I just carry it around with me; mostly because I like to look at it while I think. I'm still debating on whether or not I should give it to her at all, to be honest.


Fuck, that's Vega's voice!

"What!" I yell back. Not at her of course. I just....well, she startled the fuck out of me!

As inconspicuously as I can., I try to hide her gift in my locker without her seeing it. And quickly too. I don't know how close she's gotten since I first heard her.

"I uh..." she starts; but then leaves me hanging.

I hate it when she does that.

"Spit it out." I tell her, somewhat relieved that I've successfully hidden the gift behind some books.

"I'm sorry." She says.

I frown. She's sorry? For what?

I take a deep breath before turning around to face her. Somehow, I know my mood is about to be darkened.

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