MINE!: Chapter 18

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I hate Alyssa Vaughn. I don't care that Tori tells me hate is a "strong word" and that I shouldn't hate anyone. I. Hate. Alyssa. Fu-

Language, Jade.

Fine. Freaking. I hate Alyssa freakin' Vaughn.

I hate the way she looks, especially when she's looking at my girlfriend. I hate the way she smiles; especially when she's smiling at my girlfriend. I hate the way she talks; especially when she's talking to, or about, my girlfriend. And I hate the way she thinks; 'cause I know she's thinking about my girlfriend.

"You call your girlfriend by her last name?" She, Alyssa Vaughn, scoffs at me.

"I hate Tori," I shrug.

As of now, it's an automatic response because I don't actually hate Tori as much as I did when she first became my...conscience. But she does have moments when she just gets on my nerves, like now for instance. She's making me be nice. I don't do nice. I don't like nice. Yet here I am, speaking politely to Alyssa Vaughn even though I hate her freakin' guts. And not only that, but she's been on me really bad about my language lately. Which is super annoying, by the way.

I shift a little, trying to get more comfortable. This floor is hard as heck, and Vega's butt bones are stabbing the chiz out of me.

"What's Tori short for? Victoria?" I hear.

I look up and I feel an involuntary twitch develop in my left eye. Alyssa's eyes, the way they're just freakin' smoldering as she gazes at my girlfriend....I expect her to lick her lips at any second.

"Yeah." Vega answers.

Then Alyssa has the nerve to look me straight in the eyes, eyebrows raised in challenge.

Bold gank. I ought to just-

"How could you hate Victoria? It's a beautiful name." She asks, unwittingly cutting into what was going to be a very graphic fantasy about her demise.

I scowl at her. I never said I hated Victoria! But Alyssa misses my scowl because she's doing it again. She's looking at my girlfriend all smolderingly seductive like, and I don't like that sh-

Language, Jade!

Really, Tori? Fine. I don't like that chiz. Happy now?

No answer.... Because I'm not all the way fuc- freakin' crazy.

"It suits you well." Alyssa says, and then she does it. She really does lick her bottom lip. Not in an over exaggeratedly obvious way, but I still saw it.

I tighten my hold on my girlfriend, only one thought on my mind other than the obvious urge to kick Alyssa's....butt.


Vega is mine. All mine. I don't share. I won't share. Not ever.

And while I'm in this possessive state of mine, Vega tries to get up.


I hold on tighter. Not even on purpose. It's just reflex.

"I gotta wazz." She whimpers.


I let go and she all but runs away. Like she couldn't get away from me fast enough.

I shake my head at myself. What's with the paranoia? Vega always has to wazz. I know that. She's got a bladder the size of a peanut. This is nothing new.

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