Mami: Chapter 8

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"Guess what!?"

I slam my locker shut and openly glare at a perky Vega. I don't care if she's supposed to be my girlfriend. It's too early in the morning for this shit.

"I hate guessing things, babe." I tell her before leaning in and placing a coffee flavored kiss on her mouth.

"Oh, okay." She says absently as she reaches behind her and pulls her phone out of her back pocket. It just beeped, alerting her that she got a text message.

Out of the corner of my eye I notice we have an audience; which is just plain stupid if you ask me. Me and Vega have been a thing for nearly a week. We should be old news by now! It's not like we're the only lesbian couple at this school.

Then again, it probably has nothing to do with the lesbian stuff, and everything to do with the fact that it's me and Vega. On that front, I can't really fault them for the gawking. But I still want to take a pair of scissors to every last one of their eyeballs. Or maybe just one eye each. It'd be kind of cool to see half the school walking around with an eye patch.

The image makes me smile.

"See ya at fourth period, then." Vega interrupts my musings as she shoves her phone back into her pocket. Then she starts to walk away.

Really? Who does that? Huh? You can't just go up to someone, say "guess what?" and then leave them hanging. It's inhumane.

I grab Vega's hand before she gets too far and I yank a little, making her face me. "Whoa, babe, aren't you forgetting something?"

Her eyebrows dip in confusion for a second and then her eyes light up. "Oh, sorry." She apologizes before nipping my bottom lip.

She never kisses me. She always bites. And I love that she does that. It's way less of a mushy-gushy/intimate interaction, and more of a freaky casual thing, which suits me just fine. It kind of balances all the soft and loving kisses I have to give her because my new "girlfriend" doesn't exactly get pleasure from pain. No matter how little it is, it's a huge turn off for her. I caught on to that fairly quickly while we were mussing each other up in the bathroom last Friday.

I shake my head and focus. Vega's turned and is leaving again, but I still didn't get what I wanted out of her.

I pull on her arm, again turning her back around to face me. "Not that." I scoff. "Didn't you want to tell me something?"

"But you didn't guess." She frowns, cocking her head to the side like she's confused.

"And I'm not going to guess." I cross my arms over my chest defiantly. God, this girl makes me want to open up a vein. And not one of my own.

"I figured that part out when you told me you hate guessing," she chuckles lightly, mirroring my stance but in a more playful way.

I'm not playing.

"So?..." I inquire, not bothering to chuckle or even smile back. I'm losing my patience.

"So, what?"

"Tell me!" I yell, throwing my arms down and making two fists at my side.

My patience has been lost.

"Tell you what, Jade?"

"How the hell should I know!? You're the one who said "guess what?!""

"But you didn't guess." She answers calmly, innocently, with just a hint of a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

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