Moving on

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I spent the next day in my bed, I couldn't eat, sleep, do anything. Nightmares really kept me awake during night and it wasn't any better during day. It wasn't even just about Kendra, I kind of hated how thigs between me and Seth had ended. He had been the only good thing in my life... until he wasn't anymore.

Aurora finally told me to get up, because police was still on my back about that chemistry lab thing. She thought it would be good for me, if I focused on something else for a little while. That wasn't actually any better. How did my life go so bad so fast?

Anyway, I listened to Aurora, who knows why. I got dressed and walked to the police station, because walking helped me calm down. When I got there, I felt like everybody's eyes were on me. Like I was back to being a criminal. In any other day I wouldn't have really cared about it, but today I was already feeling horrible, so that just made me want to run away or start crying again. I was so messed up. Maybe it would have been a good idea to talk to the school's psychologist, but talking about myself was also something, that I didn't really like to do.

I went to the front desk and said, that they'd been wanting my statement about the chemistry lab explosion. The women there took a long look at me and then asked: "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I answered anxiously.

"Are you on drugs?"

"What?" Did I really look that bad? I hadn't really paid much attention to myself in the mirror.

"Thank you, Martha. I'll take it from here," said my parole officer. He asked me to follow him to his office. Was he always just casually walking out of his office every time I happened to be around? I had to ask him that.

"So you've had quite a rough week. Chocolate?" He had a chocolate bar on his table.

"Thanks." I hadn't eaten anything all day.

"Would you first like to talk about the lab explosion or that hospital situation or that boy you've been hanging out with lately?"

"Are you stalking me?"

"I don't have to. Stories spread fast here. It's not very hard to put the pieces together. So where do we start?" I guess he was smarter than he looked.

"How about I just tell you about my whole week?" That seemed like the most logical solution.

"If that's what you want." He took out his notebook and a pen.

I kind of told him as much as I could, but I left out the superpowers part and also me saving Seth and giving him money. I just told him, that he came to me, because he was chased by bad guys.

The whole time I was talking he looked at me like he was watching some action-horror movie and after I finished telling him about my week, all he could do was offer me more chocolate.

"You sure have gone through hell this week. I think you should perhaps take a little break and rest for some time." I was pretty sure I had gotten more action in one week, then he had gotten in his entire life. To be honest, that had been just a bit above average week for me, but it has been some time, since the last time I had a week like this, so it took me a bit by surprise.

"If I rest, I just keep going through all these things in my head. It's better if I keep myself busy." Being there and being able to tell him the story already made me feel a bit better.

"As you wish. I think you should know, that those boys were all found guilty. But they won't be locked up very long since their victim is dead and can't testify against them. Also court isn't usually interested in cases, where the victim is a suicidal drug addict." That wasn't much of a surprise.

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