Lab rat

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During entire Wednesday, I couldn't get Seth out of my head. I was really worried about him. I should have done something, found a better way to help him out. "He is clever, he probably knows what he is doing... or not." I kept going through it in my head over and over again.

In the evening, I went into the chemistry lab to finish one of my experiments I had already started in the morning, but the mixture had to stand for a little while. It took me longer than I originally thought, because I couldn't focus and had to redo some things. Finally, I was the only person left in the lab, probably in the entire building, besides the night guard.

Suddenly I heard and felt a big explosion. Everything was shaking on the shelves and the electricity went out. I didn't dare to leave the lab even though the fire alarm went on. The explosion could have been caused by some experiment gone wrong and that could have meant toxic elements in the air. It was safer for me to remain, where I was. I couldn't at least see a fire through the lab door window, which meant I was safe from burning to death.

Luckily the emergency lights were still on. I heard someone's heavy steps. It really felt like I was in a horror movie. I went by the chemical's shelf and tried to find something to use as a weapon in case I happened to be right about the horror movie scenario. There really wasn't anything for me to use, because smart people don't leave dangerous things just lying around.

The door opened and a man wearing a weird metal space suit kind of thing walked in with a strange looking weapon. I didn't really have a place where to hide, so I prepared for the worse.

"Cassandra, how nice to see you here," he wasn't really expressing the joy of seeing me behind his silly space helmet.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" I asked, slowly overcoming the shock of actually seeing him. I really should have hidden myself somewhere before he came in.

"I need something for my new machine." That wasn't very surprising.

"Get it from a store then."

"I would, but unfortunately they don't have it. This university is the only place in the city that has, what I need." He could have ordered it online then, but I guess that really wasn't his style.

"And what exactly is that?"

"Need to know only I'm afraid. Now if you excuse me."

"Sorry, dad, I can't let you do that."

"What are you going to do? Stop me?"

"That's the plan." A horrible plan. If I would have had more time to think about it, I probably wouldn't have done it.

"You are such a disappointment. Just like that boyfriend of yours. I told the others to kill him as soon as he shows up tomorrow." He then used his weird weapon on me which kicked me so hard, that I fell right into the chemical's shelf that was behind me. All the glass objects there fell down on me and broke, I also felt something burning my arm and face really bad - must have been some chemical. I couldn't move, the pain was terrible with all the glass pieces stuck in me. I watched as my dad broke into the lab's chemical supply room and then set the entire building on fire with me in it. He didn't even look at me once, like I didn't matter at all.

I tried really hard to get up and get out of the burning building, but I couldn't do anything. I couldn't even scream for help. I just blacked out. The pain and the carbon monoxide was just too much for me to handle.


When I woke up, I was in a hospital. Aurora was sitting next to me quite worried, but seeing me awake quickly cheered her up.

CassandraTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang