Secret vault

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"What are you doing?" asked Seth, who was now following me around. I didn't bother to check if he was okay after being knocked out by me and Aurora. He kind of deserved that. "Are you really going to take me in? You know I only joined your dad, so that I could tell you his address, right? He didn't trust me at all at first, but when I told my sad story to him, he warmed up to me and finally showed me his lair. I couldn't just show you either, he drove me here after I had told him my plan on how to capture you. He took my phone to lure you here. He didn't trust me enough to give me the coordinates. To be honest, I have no idea, where we are."

"Seth, I know. I knew the second I told you to find my dad. I had been waiting for that text for some time. Only thing that surprises me, is that my dad bought that ridiculous breakup story of yours. You used to be so much better at making up lies." My dad might have been a good inventor, but not much of criminal mastermind, when it came to evil plans. The same went for Seth. Those two were so predictable.

"Why waste a good story, when sometimes the silliest ones work the best. It was so bad, that it was good."

"Or my dad is just that stupid."

"Stupid doesn't exactly build a weapon that can take away superpowers."

"Fine, socially stupid. Every other way crazy scientist."

"And I'm starting to think, that it runs in the genes. What the hell are you doing?"

I was still looking for one certain object in that house. I knew it had to be there somewhere.

"Isn't it obvious – I'm looking."

"Looking for what? An old family photo?"

"Of course not. There aren't any of those... My dad built all this," I made a gesture to show the size of the mansion. "He has robbed a lot of banks, some of them even multiple times. He must have money stashed away here somewhere. It's not like any bank would want to keep his money... or actually that is exactly what they would like to do, but my dad wouldn't see any of it then. Since he steals all the components for his machines, then most of it still has to be here."

"Maybe he buried it underground or something."

"Doubtful. It's not his style... but that is." We were both in the master bedroom now, staring at a giant wall carpet.

"Behind that?" The basement door was behind a carpet, why not all his money.

"Only one way to find out for sure." We both crabbed one side of the carpet and pulled it off the wall. I was right, there was a huge safe behind the carpet. The door covered half the wall. There had to be crazy amount of money on the other side.

"Okay, so we have a safe... Do you know how to open one of those? This sure seems high tech and is probably booby trapped."

"We don't actually have to open it," I explained with a smile.

"Right... superpowers... Tell me again why are we robbing your dad? I thought you were on the good side now. Not that I'm complaining or anything... I sure could use some extra cash."

"How much do you owe to those new guys?"

"So that's what this is about? You want to take your dad's money to pay those guys back my depth?"

"Yes, that is the plan. I'm gonna give stolen money to bad guys. Nobody knows, who this money belongs to anyway. I'm sure there is a lot of money in there and the rest can go to charity."

"Hold on. You want to tell me, that you have an entire vault full of money in front of you, that you could just take all for yourself with no questions asked, but you decide to use it to pay back the depth I owe and then give the rest of the money to charity?"

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