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Josh POV:

What the actual hell? Now everyone was looking at Riley. She just tried to rationalize the assault of her best friend.

Maya POV:

I can't believe that Josh told them. At least I wouldn't have to worry about us hanging out anymore. Everyone began apologizing and asking if I was ok and if Lucas was ok. Riley finally spoke.

Riley- "Well maybe Maya deserved it." What? My best friend. just stood up. For Lucas. She defended him. The tears come back, and they hit hard. I ran out and Josh came after me.

Josh- "You want to go home?" Thank God I had Josh. I obviously didn't have a best friend anymore.

Maya- "Yeah I'm tired." How could Riley? He not only physically and emotionally hurt me, but he also didn't do anything about my ex who he apparently knew was abusing me. He broke 2 of my ribs and yet I somehow deserved it? At least I was reasonable enough to know that that wasn't true. Life hates me, I know, but that didn't mean I deserved any of it. I don't know whether or not to feel sad or angry. I fell asleep in my bed and Josh went home, but I was dreading tomorrow.

Josh POV:

Once I drop Maya off, I race back to the Matthews.

Cory- "Ma brotha." I don't have time for this.

Josh- "Your daughter. We need to talk about Riley." Topanga walked in and joins Cory at the table.

Topanga- "How come? What's wrong with her?" I explain to them what happened with Maya and Lucas. Then I had to tell them what Riley said.

Josh- "Riley said that Maya deserved it." I look and see how heartbroken Cory is, while Topanga looks angry, almost furious. Then Riley walks in.

Riley- "Hey Mom, dad, Uncle Josh!" She sounded so happy, almost like nothing had happened with Maya.

Topanga- "Riley Matthews, you are grounded for the whole month. And I will be taking your phone and computer. When you're not home, you will go to school and sit alone. When you are home, you will sit by yourself in your room. You will have plenty of time to think about how rude, inconsiderate, and repulsive what you said is." I have never seen Topanga so upset in my life. Even Cory was a little shocked.

Riley- "What? What? What did I do?"

Topanga- "Josh told us what happened today and to be honest, I've never been so disgusted by you ever. I can't even look at you," she said as she walked away. I don't even know how to react. I knew that they felt that Maya was a second daughter to them, but Topanga just called her own child disgusting. Cory still doesn't know what to do.

Riley- "Mom? I don't understand. What's the problem?" Then she looked at me. "What did you tell them?"

Josh- "I told them exactly what happened, right Cor?"

Cory- "Yup, he told us what you said to Maya. We're both incredibly disappointed in you Riley. Now I'm going to go and calm your mother down before she kills someone." Cory ran out of the room.

Riley- "Why would you tell them?"

Josh- "Somethings wrong with you Riley. That's not something you would ever say, especially to Maya. So what's up?" I looked at her expectantly.

Riley- "I have no problems. Why don't you ask Maya what her problem is." And she left. "That ugly, boyfriend stealing, two-faced slut," I heard her mumble to herself. I didn't even know those words were in Riley's vocabulary.

Hey, thank you so much for reading my story. I hope it helps satisfy your joshaya heart a bit. I love reading your comments so feel free to say whatever's on your mind. If you like the chapter, please vote for it. I know it seems mundane but it helps me, the author, a lot to see what y'all like and don't like about the story. Enjoy!

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