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In the morning//Sunday

Maya POV:

I roll over and smile. I forget how cute Josh is sometimes, especially when he isn't talking. I look at him for a while before giving him a kiss and getting up.

Josh- "Ugh! This is why I don't drink!" I hand him an Advil and some coffee. Hangovers are so regular for me, that I don't really get bothered. Besides, I take a special supplement that clears up any migraines or vomiting that comes along with my constant drinking. I climb back into bed with him.

Maya- "Hey Boing?" He turns to look at me and I stare into his beautiful eyes. "Would you hate me if I hooked up with Lucas?" Now those eyes are laced with hurt. "Well I just thought that he won't seem to leave me alone, and well I'm still kind of mad at Riley and-" He actually agrees.

Josh- "Sure Maya. Promise me you don't have feelings for him though." I smirked at him

Maya- "Why? Is somebody jealous?" For the first time ever, I think I saw Josh blush. Usually, he just smirks. "I have no feelings for him other than hatred." That got him to smile.

Josh- "Ok then let's get a plan started!" He grabbed my hand and ran down the hallway.

Maya- "Wait let me put pants on or something!"

Josh- "Do you have to?" he whined. I punched him and walked into my room to grab comfy clothes. We came up with a plan for tomorrow.

*I know I know, it was short. I just like showing small scenes of them together, to give more of an idea of what their interactions are like. Like Maya for example, she and Josh just slept together and don't even address it in the mornings, or that he's clearly jealous and she just accepts is now. Before she would have convinced herself that it was just him being protective*

Hey, thank you so much for reading my story. I hope it helps satisfy your joshaya heart a bit. I love reading your comments so feel free to say whatever's on your mind. If you like the chapter, please vote for it. I know it seems mundane but it helps me, the author, a lot to see what y'all like and don't like about the story. Enjoy!

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