how it all started

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travis walked up to awsten, feeling a rush of confidence. he sees awsten's chiseled face. he begins to stutter.
"i-i-id like to join-i mean be bass in waterparks." travis sweats.
"slow down jelly bean,"
awsten tenderly puts his fingers on travis' chest, clenching the skin. travis sweats more, the pain is satisfying.
"you have to pass the test." awsten whispers into travis's ear and nibbles it gently.
"i'm ready." travis puts a hand on awsten's shoulder. awsten feels a rush of dominance.
"come with me." awsten replies, slowly rolling up his sweater sleeves. he grabs travis's hand and leads him into the forest.
"i'll be right back." awsten rubs travis's back. travis feels safe.
awsten came back a few minutes later. he was wearing a children's tie wrapped tightly around his neck and some bright green underwear.
"follow my lead, my pet." awsten knew what he wanted. he thought of geoff. his mouth watered. travis looks into awsten's eyes. neither were wearing condoms.
awsten grabs travis and pulls him closer. travis begins to tenderly pick off awsten's fingers and put them on his shoulder. travis then grabs awsten by the thigh and they begin to kiss.
their tongues touch, spit being poured into each other's mouths. neither complain.
after 3 hours, they decide to finish. by the end, both were bare. travis and awsten walked back to the trailer.
the next morning, awsten woke up feeling nauseous, yet pleasured. he ran to the bathroom. travis burst in, rubbing awsten's back as he pukes in the toilet. awsten feels a chill down his back.
travis and awsten get dressed wearing matching outfits. the two head over to the grocery store, knowing what may have happened last night. travis purchased awsten some pregnancy tests.
when the pair got home, awsten gently ripped open the packaging, scared of what may come.

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