the adventure begins

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awsten looked down at the test. travis grinned awkwardly. awsten began to giggle like a school girl. travis picked up awsten and twirled him around. they were gonna have a baby.
awsten looked down at his stomach. still skinny. travis pulled awsten closer and squeezed his thigh. they pulled into  a hard kiss and then awsten stepped back.
"now that i'm a mother i need to be more careful." awsten put a hand on travis's shoulder. travis nodded in agreement, looking a little disappointed.
a few weeks passed. awsten began to get more demanding, wanting tomatoes every second. with love, travis would tend to awsten's needs and wants.
"i want MORE spaghetti sauce!" awsten pounded the table, his napkin flew off his shirt. travis nodded, gazing into awsten's baby blue eyes. awsten looked satisfied at the tomato sauce being poured on the spaghetti.
"thank you, dear." awsten outstretched his arms for a hug. travis hugged back. they smiled at each other. awsten looked down at his stomach. it was getting bigger.
as awsten progressed, he got more needy, wanting more tomatoes. travis would always do whatever awsten asked him to. travis was so excited to be a father, he would rub awsten's stomach everyday. suddenly, the couple got a phone call from the doctor. travis was too terrified to answer. what if something happened to the baby? he thought to himself.

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