Heartless Thoughts

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Hey guys!! Today I'll be interviewing HeartlessThoughts

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Hey guys!! Today I'll be interviewing HeartlessThoughts


1. Where did you get the idea for 'The girl in Black'?

I wish I had some epic backstory for my inspiration to write TGIB but it really just stemmed from wanting to write a story in the POV of a badass female protagonist.

2. What inspired the idea for your new story, 'Never have I ever'?

I've wanted to tell Alexa's story for a few years now. I'd attempted once before but ended up deleting the story from Wattpad. Her story is sensitive and addresses triggering topics so I want to get it right and deal with subject matter sensitively. 

3. When did you start writing?

Honestly, I can't remember. All I know is I fell in love with writing in Year 6 (6th grade). My  teacher read one of my written pieces in front of the class and praised me for being imaginative. It was about pizza btw so thinking about it, it wasn't so difficult to get right ;)

4. How do you manage with your consistent update schedule and everyday life?

It's hard to find time to write according to an update schedule as I work full-time, Monday to Fridays. The more I read over my chapters the more I tend to nit pick and tear apart what I've written.

Instead, I write whenever I get that spark of inspiration. Some weeks I can't stop writing and others it feels a lot like a chore.

5. Do you edit your chapters by yourself or do you have someone else edit them for you?

I don't really edit my chapters. I know, its bad :P 

6. What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

I've realized that the conversations between my characters don't last long. Most of my writing consists of the main character's thoughts. Because of this, I just check for spelling/grammar mistakes before updating.

7. What or who inspired you to write?

Meg Cabot. All day. Every day.

Her Princess Diaries series are my all time favourite books. Growing up, Mia Thermopolis, was my hero. I loved the way her character was written and I related to her at a whole different level. Minus the princess bit, of course.

8. If you could be any animal, which one would it be and why?

I've always liked the look of Giraffes for no reason in particular :P

9. Your favourite work on wattpad?

Dinner with Vampire, Did I Mention I was a Vegetarian? 

It was the first book I read on Wattpad and one of the best to date!

10. Favourite book outside of wattpad?

Can't pick one!   But I'm re-reading the Marked series by Bianca Scardoni atm before the last book comes out!

I'm team Dominic btw ;)

11. Favourite song at the moment?

Heaven - Julia Michaels

12. Favourite movie?

Don't have one : )

13. Favourite season and why?

Summer because it gets dark late.

14. What would you say is the most difficult part about being an author? 

Self-doubt. It's the root of all my problems when it comes to writing. It also aids Writer's Block.  I hate it :(

15. Who's your favourite character?

Female Book Character: Mia Thermopolis (The Princess Diaries series by Meg Cabot) 
Male Book Character: Dominic Huntingdon (Marked Series by Bianca Scardoni)
Female TV Character: Blair Waldorf Male TV Character: Chuck Bass

16. What are some of your hobbies?

Eating. End of.

17. Out of all the books you've written, which is your favourite?

I can't choose. All my books are so different. :(  I love them all!

18. Have you ever cried when writing a part/scene for a book? If so, which one and why?

No, I haven't but I've been close to crying. It's the scene from TGIB where (spoiler alert) Nova meets her dad for the first time and walks away, secretly hoping he comes after her.

I do think a few scenes from 'Never Have I Ever' will make me cry.

19. Why do you write?

I love it. It's my life. It's my escape and a coping mechanism for all the crap I deal with.

20. Are you planning on getting any of your works published?

I've not really thought about it much to be honest. If it happens, I would be over the moon but I'm happy with posting on Wattpad for now :)

21. Most embarrassing moment?

Ugh. There's too many.

One that stands out is the time I tripped over a chair and fell flat on my face...in the presence of my entire year group (grade) and the boy I liked.   To make matters worse, I stayed on the floor and didn't get up for a good minute or so haha. I'm laughing about it now but it was horrific.

22. Advice for high school and college/university students?(friends, studies, etc).

Study hard.

Yes, I sound like a parent. But it's true. Make the most of your education because it's invaluable.   Also, try not to let petty things get you. In high school especially, the smallest thing can be blown out of proportion.   Really choose your fights. Most of the time the hassle isn't worth it.

23. How do you respond to hate?

99% of the time I block haters/trolls.   When someone's really pissed me off I respond, making sure I sound smarter than I am haha.   I wait for a respond from them and then send another one.  Ending and winning the conversation in one sentence. ;)

24. Any messages for your readers/ fans?

Thank you. I love you. You're amazing. I sound like a creep. I know and I don't care ❤


I hope any questions you had got answered!

Hopefully you guys enjoyed reading the interview!! We certainly had fun!!

Until next time! ♥

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