Vera Micic

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Amazing interview with VeraMicic

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Amazing interview with VeraMicic

1. Do you plan on getting any of your works published?

Yes, I plan on getting all my current and future works published.

2. What/When was an early experience where you learned that words hold so much power?

I saw it in high school, when we had to read and analyze literature as a part of our assignments. I realized that words can have a profound impact on us and shape us. They can also help us experience many worlds and lives through the fictional characters.

3. How do you view writing?

Writing is an extremely powerful tool that can change, help, or inspire people. It gives us the opportunity to delve into fictional worlds and experience things we may have never experienced before. It's truly magical, and as such, I can't imagine my life without it.

4. Favourite book from your childhood?

I was around 11 years old when I started reading as a hobby, and at that time, my most favourite book was Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella.

6. What would you say is a common trap for aspiring authors?

The desire to get readers as fast as possible. Some of them forget that success doesn't come overnight and that just because their work isn't recognized immediately, doesn't mean they should give up. We can go a long way only through hard work, perseverance, and optimism.

7. What inspired you to write the Bullied series?

The Bullied series is a product of my need to show the horrors of bullying, mental issues, and social injustice. I'm interested in bullying and psychology, and I want to raise awareness about bullying and mental issues, especially since some of the feelings in my books came from what I felt during my own experiences with bullying and other difficult periods in life. I'd never read a book where the main hero had a mental disorder, and this was one of the reasons why I wanted to include a mental disorder into my series and show the challenges of a relationship in which partners have mental issues—specifically BPD and social anxiety. Also, I got inspired by books Bully by Penelope Douglas and Fear Me by B.B. Reid because they introduced me to the bullying trope and made me want to write a story in this trope one day, even though I didn't feel confident about writing a bullying story at that time.

8. What would you say is your favourite thing about your readers/followers/fans?

My favourite thing is how supportive and kind they are.

9. If your characters ever met you, how do you think they would react?

They would tell me to tone down my evilness and stop torturing them that much.

10. How do you balance your daily life and writing schedule?

I struggle with this balance. My job takes most of my time, which prevents me from writing my stories as much as I want. So I try to squeeze in everything I want to do during a day.

11. Do you have a favourite character from all the books you've written?

This is a tough question! I love all my characters, but if I had to choose just one, I'd have to pick Hayden from the Bullied series.

12. Favourite song at the moment?

Fight Inside by Red.

13. Have you ever cried when writing a scene?

If so, which one and why? I've never cried when writing a scene.

14. Favourite movie?

It's The Saint. It's a 1997 movie about a thief who falls in love with a sweet scientist while trying to steal a formula for cold fusion from her.

15. Favourite TV show?

I don't have any.

16. If you could be any animal, which one would it be and why?

I would be a bird because I always wanted to be able to fly and go anywhere I want.

17. Weird, funny fact about yourself?

I like imagining I'm singing on my own concert when I sing around my place.

18. Any kind of message for your followers/fans/readers?

I want to thank all my readers from the bottom of my heart for reading my stories and for supporting me. You're simply the best readers one writer can desire, and I love you all.

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