Lauren *Cherry_Cola_X*

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I got the chance to interview Cherry_Cola_x  hope you guys like it!!

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I got the chance to interview Cherry_Cola_x hope you guys like it!!

How has the publishing process been?

I'd say it's been very long, a little stressful at points but also immensely rewarding. There are lots of little things- like receiving your first copy of the book, or finishing the manuscript editing, or seeing the cover for the first time! They make the hard work really worthwhile.

Has publishing your book changed anything about you as an author?

It's definitely matured me! Writing on Wattpad was fun and I met so many friends. I never really thought about getting paid, hence why my books were available for so long! Starting publishing was my first realisation of 'wow, I might actually get a job out of this'.

How do you view writing?

Writing is like breathing to me! I do it so often- sometimes it's really intense and a rush, other times it's slower and just comes naturally.

Are you friends with other authors? If so, how do they help you improve as an author?

A fair few Wattpad authors! I'm brand new to the publishing world so have only really met bloggers/publishers and agents thus far.

5.Have you ever experienced reader's block? (excluding school books)

Yep! I've had readers block for the past two years! While focusing on writing and A-Levels, I just lost my passion for reading. I've picked it back up again in the past month however, and I think I'm hooked again! I miss reading.

What would you say is a common trap for aspiring authors?

I'd say falling into the clichés, but I would be a hypocrite! It's very easy to lose confidence in yourself, and just to give up on an idea and start another one. I'd say the most common trap I've encountered is writers never giving themselves a chance to finish a book, because they can't settle on one idea.

Have you ever cried when writing a scene? If so, which one and why?

In the Wattpad original version, there's a scene with Riley and her Mom in the car back from school. Riley is upset so her Mom collects her early. That conversation was really heartfelt to me- I drew a lot on my own Mum!

How would you say that Wattpad and writing has impacted you and your personal life?

So much. It's shaped who I am to an unbelievable extent and built up my confidence.

If your characters ever met you, how do you think they would react?

I'd probably get along with Riley and Violet best! To be honest, I can see the boys just being playful and fun with whoever they meet.

You wrote your first novel when you were 14 and now you're 19. Could you speak a little more to that and how you think you've grown?

I've developed a lot since I first started on Wattpad. My structuring has got better, my characterisation has improved. I'd also say I'm a lot less naïve to tropes and pitfalls now, and more aware of character diversity, morals and what I really want to say in my writing. The first draft of ABBSMB was incredibly naïve in that way.

Do you have a favourite character from all the books you've written?

Alec from ABBSMB or Erika from TADS.

How do you like to spend your free time?

Writing, reading, playing with my dog and hanging out with my friends! Also rewatching Teen Wolf atm!

Favourite book from your childhood?

Danny Champion of the World- Roald Dahl.

Favourite movie?

Too many to choose from!

Favourite TV Show?

Parks and Recreation.

If you could be any animal, which one would it be and why?

Probably a sloth. Just so chilled, no stresses in the world.

Weird, funny fact about yourself?

I have a weird food crush on eating apple slices with tuna mayonnaise. Sounds weird but everyone should try it!

Any kind of message for your followers/fans/readers?

I love you, thanks so much for believing in me!


I've decided to set a schedule and post an interview every Friday!

Hope Y'all have a good day!

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