Lydia *Hennwick*

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So sorry that this took so long!! School got really rough so I wanted to focus on that. Hope you guys enjoy this interview I did with the lovely hennwick.

 Hope you guys enjoy this interview I did with the lovely hennwick

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1. Are you planning on getting any of your works published?

No, I don't plan to traditionally publish my works. It just isn't for me, for a multitude of reasons - control being a big one - so when I publish my works in the future, I'll be self-publishing them. I want to keep the closeness I have with my readers, and be able to do things on my own terms.

2. Out of all the books you've written, which one is your favourite?
It's usually whichever one I'm writing at the time, so currently, my favourite is Training the Bad Boy! Though Turning Point is also a favourite, for very different reasons. I stepped way out of my comfort zone and I'm so proud of the outcome. 

3. How do you view writing?
It's like oxygen to me. I start to feel weird and disconnected if I stop writing for more than a day or two. 

4. Are you friends with other authors? If so, how do they help you improve as a author?
Yes! I think it's so important to be friends with other people who write, whether they just pen the occasional story, or they are a published author, because they know how it goes and they know your struggles; they can be a sounding board for ideas or just somewhere to go for a bit of advice. Non-writers just don't understand a fraction of what writing is like.

5. Favourite book from your childhood?
I devoured the Famous Five series by Enid Blyton, reading and rereading each one that I could get my hands on, but an individual book that really stands out is "Elsewhere" by Gabrielle Zevin, which I read several times about 12-13 years ago, when it came out, and I plan to get my hands on a copy and read it again as soon as possible. It's one of those books that has really stuck with me for over a decade: that's something special.

6. When did you start writing?
Literally ever since I could hold a pen. I was always writing little short stories when I was young, and I have vivid memories of stories I wrote when I was five or six, up to the age of ten. Then when I was eleven or twelve, I started writing novels. I haven't stopped since. I've lost count of how many novels I've finished, and countless more ideas that have been abandoned, either before they were written or sometimes 20,000 words or more in.

7. Who/ What inspired you to write?
I honestly don't know. I've just always written. I think I'll have to say Enid Blyton, because her books were such a crucial part of my childhood, but also my parents. They're big readers and have always encouraged books to be a big part of my life. I remember my mum giving me a copy of Six Dinner Sid about 16 or 17 years ago, and that was my favourite book for a long time. She also used to read Harry Potter to me when I was too young to read it myself, though this was before the first film came out, so she pronounced Hermione as her-mee-own.

8. What would you say is your favourite thing about your reader/followers/fans?
Interacting with them! I love how involved my readers get in my stories, which only pushes me to write more and more. Sometimes they inadvertently inspire new plot threads or whole new ideas: Head Over Heels, a 250,000 family saga of sorts, never would have happened if the readers hadn't kept going on about Lucas and Asher when I was writing The Night Train.

9. Advice for new authors?
Keep at it! It's not always going to be easy - well, to be honest, it'll never be easy but it's so worth it. If you really want to write, keep plugging away. Don't be discouraged by reads or follows, which is impossible really, but if you can write for yourself, that's the most important first step.

10. Advice for students?
I can't give any advice. I prioritise my writing above my studies.

11. Do you have a favourite character from all the books you've written?
No. They're all so different and hold special places in my heart.

12. Favourite song at the moment?
"Back from the Edge" by James Arthur, and "Cello Suite No.1 in G Major" by Johann Sebastian Bach

13. Who are you the closest with in your family?
Different people for different reasons; I couldn't pick out one.

14. Favourite movie?
I don't have one! I watch more TV than films.

15. Favourite TV Show?
Friends is one of my go-to shows and has been since I was about six, when I shouldn't have even been watching it. I've grown up with the show, so it'll always be a special one for me.

16. If you could be any animal, which one would it be and why?
Probably an eagle. Pretty awesome, but also pretty scary, and it can fly.

17. Any kind of message for your followers/fans/readers?

You guys absolutely rock - I couldn't do this without you! Thank you so much for all your support, and I can't wait for what the future brings!


There ya go!! Hope you guys liked it!

 Leave suggestions here on who I should interview next.

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