Mignon French *Chatachino*

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Someone requested for me to interview Chatachino  , so here ya go!! Hope you guys like it!

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Someone requested for me to interview Chatachino , so here ya go!! Hope you guys like it!


1. Out of all the books from the Flammable Heart series, which one is your favourite and why?

My favourite book would be "How to Punch Soren McKinin" because I enjoy the slowness of their relationship and the character development in Soren. Seeing someone depressed and eventually be happy is beautiful to watch.

2.  When did you start writing?

I started writing when I was about 13 but they were shockingly bad and I eventually deleted the book and changed accounts (on wattpad)

3. What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to do anything outdoors, study lol free time who? And just be around people who make me happy.

4. Favourite childhood memory?

I don't know actually. I can't remember much before 8 years old bug skiing with my family and laughing.

5. Who/What inspired you to write?

I've always wanted to make a change and I didn't like how bad boys were being betrayed. It taught these young girls to try "fix" these horrid boys and I wanted to show that no one can fix anyone but rather, the person has to want to fix themselves. I also wanted to show that bad boys weren't always bad but rather depressed ect. So, pure spite inspired me lmao.

6. How do you view writing?

Writing is my way of expressing my heart and head so I think it's very valuable.

7. If you could be any animal, which one would it be and why?

I would be a Dolphin because they are animals who care for a family / pack, are intelligent and I've always loved the ocean more than the land.

8. How was the publishing process?

The way I did it was hard only because I got a lot of backlash hate from it but it made me stronger as a person so everything worked out. Also, the way I did it allows the author more rights to the book and the editors does not get 50%+ profits, as in most cases.

9. What are you working on at the moment?

I'm working on another bad boy story that has not been released but is being planned currently.

10. What is something you're passionate about?

The environment. No one seems to give a damn about the only thing that keeps us alive, feeds us and cares for us. And we are killing it.

11. Would you say that publishing a book has changed anything about you as an author?

For me, no. I have in the past and always will in the future write purely for my own enjoyment. I don't need a million people reading my book. I write what I want to read. Having it published just makes me happy because I know I did something on my own that I'm proud of and that my book can be reached by more and help others through their issues. It does not change me.

12. How do you respond to hate?

I block and delete most comments and every so often I make an example out of one hater so everyone who wants to hate knows what they'll be dealing with. I have people send me death threats and tell me to kill myself so I am very harsh to anyone who hates. I have no time for it. I forgive easily though.

 I forgive easily though

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13. Have you ever cried when writing a scene?

Surprisingly yes. I wouldn't have expected to but the story was of depression which is close to my heart.

14. Do you believe in writer's block?

You're not a real writer if you don't believe in writers block or maybe you are just amazing. Writers block is horrid.

15. Do you have anything big coming up this year?

I'm finishing multiple stories soon and will start two but besides that, just writing and posting.

16. Any messages for your readers/fan?

You are loved and thank you for reminding me that I am as well. 

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