The Nerd Next Door (Princeton Love Story)

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New story about Princeton and a girl named Harmony.


What if you were the most popular girl in your school, top of the high school food chain, grade A student, every thing you ever wanted to be. But then you fall in love with a NERD! Not just any nerd, a nerd that had a crush on you since 3rd grade. What will happen to your reputation, your popularity, all of it will be gone not unless you change his look and the way he thinks, every thing about him. But what if you like the way he was before the change, how hard will you try to get the old nerd back?


Hey guys I'm Harmony but my friends call me Harms. I am the most popular girl in my school, and I have a Boyfriend named Rayan he is the hottest guy in school all the girls are over him but HE MINE. He is on the basketball team while i'm in gymnastics. I have been in gymnastics since I was 3 years old. I have a 4.5 GPA and have been excepted in to Princeton, Yale, and Harvard University. I know 3 languages Spanish , French and Sign language.


My name is Jacob But my friends (if I had any) would call me Prince or Princeton I only have one friend and his name is Elijah but I call him EJ. I'm at the bottom of the high school food chain. I have a 2.0 GPA and haven't applied to any colleges yet. I don't play any sports just video games. I know one different language and that's Spanish but I'm failing the class which is weird since im half mexican. I don't have a girlfriend but if i did it would be Harmony Martinez, the prettiest girl in my school.

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