Chapter 2

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That Afor Guy is cute.


Jacob's P.O.V

Mrs.Tolan- (Pointed to a desk) Jacob.

        I walk towards the desk. Examining it to see if there is gum or something of that nature. Nothing, good I sit down and look around the room. My eyes land on Harmony constantly. I keep trying to get my eyes to go the different direction but my eyes are not cooperating with me. 

        I told myself that this was the last time I would look at her. Stop it Jacob stop lying to your self, of course I not going to stop her has long black hair, green eyes, nice body and perfect personality. How can i by-pass that? You cant dumb ass you cant. there are to many perfect beautiful physical feathers, her perfect white teeth, her fashion since, everything about here is just ... Perfect.

        I cant explain it is just so weird to fall in love with some of the smallest things about here like her teeth who falls in love with love with teeth it just so creepy.

"Harmony" Mrs. Tolan said. She was pointing to the desk behind me.

"Ah Fuck" i whispered

"Did you say something Jacob."

"No Mrs.Tolan"

        Shit I have to sit in front of my crush and i will not be able to concentrate DAMNN she is so sexy.         

       I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Yes" I said

"Hey um do you have a pen? I cant seem to find one in my bag." Harmony said.

"Yeah I do, here." I handed her a pen. "Do you need any thing else?" I said

"No, but  thanks." she said while smiling.

"No problem." I said while smiling back.

"Okay class it is time to learn about the civil war. Just some review." said Mrs.Tolan. "Who was the president who passed the Thirteenth Amendment and the Emancipation Proclamation?"

"Jacob" Mrs. Tolan said.


"Umm" I said while flipping the pages in my history book. 

"Does any one else know the answer?" Mrs. Tolan asked.

        Every one else rose there hand. Well don't I fell dumb. I sunk into my chair embarrassed.

I felt another tap on my shoulder.

"You know I can tutor if your having trouble in some of your classes." Harmony said.

"Umm" should I take the offer or should I just say no.

"No, I'm good but thanks" I said

"No problem" she said. "Tell me if you change your mind."

"Will do" I said.

        I should have said yes what was I thinking. Damn why did I do that I have a crush on her but shes got a boyfriend so did i do the right thing?

Harmony's P.O.V

"Harmony" Mrs. Tolan said.

        I at down on my chair. Yes, I sit in back of the cute Afro guy! The down side is I cant see because his big ass Afro is in the way of the bored. But other than that were good.

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