Our Time Together

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Ana hopes that by taking a hot shower she can get the glitter off of her body and out of her hair.

"Come, Ana lets get you cleaned up, we can do it together, next to my bedroom is a really big shower with a super great waterfall effect. Once we are finished with our shower, then we need to eat."

"What would you like to do afterwards? Is this your first time in "The Big Apple?"

"YES it is! Elliot, Kate and I had planned on doing some sightseeing before going back to Settle tomorrow."

"Ana I have a business meeting tomorrow not too far from here, then I have to fly to Venice for a few days to take care of some special business."

"Miss Steele, how would you like to accompany me to Venice?" Ana looks at him......is totally shocked.

Never in her wildest dreams did she ever think something special was going to happen between Christian and her. She had tried with all her strength to forget him. Really she was just fooling herself, the six months she had not seen him she tried aiming here goal to pursue her occupational life.

Went on interviews to try and get her dream job, which was to work in a publishing company. Even though she had the grades it was not enough, they were looking for someone with experience. She had worked in a library on campus while attending at WSU. So when she was walking one day she noticed a little bookstore that had 2nd hand books in the window saw a sign saying "Hiring," she took the opportunity and went in and fell in love with the little store.

An old lady spotted her and asked her if she would help her find a book. Ana could not refuse. The owner saw her and said, how would you like to have a job here?" The guy introduced himself as Gabriel Williams. Ana then told him her name, she thought he was very handsome, even had a resemblance to Christian.

He asked her a few questions to learn a little bit about herself. She told him about her enjoyment in reading books. Also that she has a 4.0GPA in English Literature, her dream is to work in publishing. Hopes to be an editor one day. After some time thinking she accepted the job ......up until now.

"Christian, you really are asking me to go join you to Venice?" Christian faces Ana

"Yes," Ana I am asking if you will do me the honor and accompany me. I will have some "Business Meetings" during the day, but the nights, I am all yours. You'll be able to shop,walk around, and enjoy the sights. Even though it is winter, Venice is a beautiful City to visit all year round. How does that sound?"

"Wow!" a dream place to see...She thinks for a minute, but I do not have the proper attire, I only packed for a few days."

"Oh Ana, that is no problem, we can do some shopping here and the rest you can buy once we get there."

"One other thing, I need to call my job and see if it is ok to take some time off. If Gabriel says it's ok, Christian I would love to join you."

"Oh wait, I don't have a passport."

"Let me worry about that Ana, being Christian Grey does have its advantages." He stands up butt naked and walks over to grab his pants, takes out of his pocket his phone, Ana looks him over with her eyes. "See something you like"..... and smirks.

Ana's face shows him she is completely embarrassed and looks down...."Wow he caught me," Christian smiles.

"Andrea, Good Morning, I need you to arrange a passport for Miss Anastasia Rose Steele immediately. I will forward a photo of her right away. We need it by early tomorrow morning. Have it sent to my NYC penthouse."

"Yes Mr. Grey, I will get right on it."

"Thank you Andrea, oh by the way "Happy New Year!"

"Thank you Mr. Grey same to you."

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