Fun Time In The "Big Apple"

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Once they are outside they notice that the weather has let up they are all glad it stopped snowing. There's a little nip in the wind, the girls zipper up their jackets all the way up to their chins. Most of the snow is already melting. 

"Maybe we will be able to take the carriage ride later on,"Christian whispers to his brother, and gives him a wink.

Christian knows Elliot is one of the worse for keeping secrets.

"Ok everyone ready to do some walking!" Ana is so happy he decides that they will walk instead of driving in the limo. There is nothing like walking the streets in NYC. You get the feeling of being a true New Yorker besides seeing the sights better.

"We do not have far to walk Ana. Are you warm enough," with that he puts his arms around her.

"Why yes, thank you I feel nice and warm being so close to you in your arms. I thought Taylor was going with us?"

"Oh believe me, says Elliot, he is somewhere very close by." Christian smirks at his brother.

"Kate my dear are you ok walking?"

"I am fine Elliot you sure keep me in shape." he smiles at her.

"Well I guess those two had full use of their room." smirks Christian at his brother.

Christian starts thinking how he plans on having some fun later with Ana, at least he's hoping Ana is up to it. It was hard laying with her and not jumping on her. She really has some magical powers over me. I, Christian Grey sure am changing, have never been so happy.

Ana looks over to Christian and sees he is in heavy thinking.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yes "Ana everything is "perfect, thanks to you!" he leans down and kisses her.

"Oh no again they will start making out on the street, thinks Elliot. Hey didn't you too have enough back up in the room." Christian looks to his brother and gives him the middle finger. Elliot decides to walk on ahead and leave them two to do whatever.

"Hey look," as they're walking down the street crossing along Park Avenue, Ana notices the MetLife Building and Grand Central. Wow, it looks so much bigger than I thought. Christian explains when it was back then the Pan Am Building, at one time there was a concrete helipad on the roof, but then there was an accident in May 16, 1977, a rotor blade broke off a helicopter after landing gear failed on the front and the helicopter toppled over. The blade hit four people on the landing pad waiting to board, three were killed instantly due to impact. Luckily the previous passengers had disembarked but the crew were still inside, plus 15 to 20 people were in line on the roof waiting to get onto the aircraft.
The blade feel down the side of the building hitting a pedestrian who was standing waiting for the bus. They even found pieces of the rotor blades as much as four blocks north from the building. It was a terrible accident, due to "metal fatigue" on the helicopter. After that it was shut down. "WOW" what a terrible tragedy!!!!!! Says Ana

"Elliot says, hey can we look in at the Lids Store?"

Sure, Elliot knew he wanted to get a baseball cap either Yankees or NY Mets. Typical Elliot was having trouble deciding so he bought one of each. Then last minute he grabbed one for his brother too, he wants to surprise him. Kate and Ana were looking in the girls section, decided on matching white NY Mets baseball caps. "

Ok Ladies are you about finished. Yes, Elliot takes the caps and pays for all of them."

"Ana says, this is so much better walking and seeing everything."

"Christian says, we can always come back any time you want. Once winter is over spring is really nice here. The summer months can get very sticky hot and humid."

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