If I Stay

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Caitlin's POV

Darkness. That is all that I am aware of,  well that and how cold I am. I open my eyes to see that I am lying on my back. Slowly, I sit up and look around at my surroundings. For some reason, even though it's dark I can tell that I am in the pipeline at S.T.A.R Labs. I hear a mechanical door opening and it hits me of exactly where in the pipeline I am. 

"Hey, Cait."

I turn around and see Barry standing there. He is in his Flash suit but his helmet is off. 

"I'm sorry, but Caitlin isn't here at the moment."

What were those words that just came out of my mouth? I look down and I feel a sinking feeling in my chest as I see white hair. The realization of why I am where I am hits me. The worst part is though, isn't that I am currently being held prisoner, it is that at this moment I am Killer Frost. As it does every time I turn into this monster, every time she takes over, I am a prisoner within my own mind. And though I am screaming inside no one can hear me.

"Where is she then?"

"Locked away, cowering like she always does."

"Why did you do that? Why would you try to kill an innocent man?"

"Who, Julian? He promised me something, and well, (I hear her laughing) he didn't deliver"

I can feel Killer Frost stretch my face into a sickening grin. Barry looks disgusted. With all my might I scream at him to rescue me but to no avail, Killer Frost remains in charge.

Barry sighs and crosses his arms.

"Yeah, well. Let me know when Caitlin comes back."

I watch as his pushes the door and he slides out of view all the while looking at me and on his face I don't see fear, I don't see anger I see... I see pity in his features. All at once, I feel like I am being both hit by something fast and thrown by someone. I stumble into the wall and grab it while I make the painful transition back into myself. I look down to see my ordinary light brown hair take the place of the white. As I let out what sounds like a strangled sob, Cisco's voice fills the room.

"Cait?" Are you there?"

"I'm here Cisco."

There is silence for a split second.

"Thank God, We'll be right down."

I slide to the the floor and put my head into my hands. Every time I change into her, it is a nightmare. The worst part is, she chooses what I see and remember. Lately, all she will let me this is the disgust in my friend's faces as they talk to her. The door opening suddenly makes me jump, but as Cisco appears I feel myself start to relax.  It looks like he is holding a mug of something hot. I give a small smile, Cisco all always knows what I need and when. I start to stand up when I see him. He is standing next to Cisco his arms crossed, and frowning but not like he is mad but instead in really deep thought. I become embarrassed with how intently he's watching my every movement. 

Julian Albert the man that I, no Killer Frost just tried to kill. Is standing right in front of me and reaches his arm out to help me. Hesitantly, I take it and get out of the holding cell.

"Are you alright, Caitlin?". 

He is holding what appears to be a blanket and gently puts it around my shoulders. Our eyes meet and I find myself blushing. Why would the man who Frost just tried to kill be helping me and what's more? Being gentle about it. He must sense my confusion because he quickly turns to Cisco and takes the mug out of his hands.


He hands me the mug and because I am still in shock I take it.

Julian's POV

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