Where She Went

274 7 3

Caitlin's POV

With all of my power, I walk out (thankfully) undetected from S.T.A.R Labs. I only have a short amount of time before Barry and Cisco find out that I am gone. I head for my apartment and pack a small bag. I don't know where I am heading all I know is that I need to be gone and fast. I lock up my apartment and head for the train station. Once there, I just pick the train that will departing the soonest. Without giving myself too much time to think about it I call Julian. And the words that follow burst out of my mouth like I had been holding them in for too long-

"Julian Albert, I love you."

I quickly hang up the phone embarrassed by what I had just said. Did I really just tell Julian Albert that I Caitlin Snow, the girl who has sworn off of love forever, loved him? I groan and put my phone into my back pocket. I am secretly hoping that my train that just pulled in hid what I said. It was a spur of the moment thing, I had let my stupid feelings get the better of me.

"Hey sweetheart, going my way?"

My head jerks into the direction of the voice and I see a greasy, sleazy guy making his way towards me. Instinctively, I reach into my bag to pull out my pepper spray but before I can, the creep has put his hand on my arm.

"Why so downcast, baby?"

I see him reach his hand for my face.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I smirk at him

Suddenly, he is screaming in pain. I look down to see that his entire forearm is covered in ice. He lets go of me and starts running, still screaming.  I watch his retreating figure when I realize something.

Normally, I don't remember Killer Frosts' doings. She usually makes me black out only forcing me to watch when something truly horrific is happening. I look into my reflection and see that my eyes are not bright blue but their normal shade of brown. I shiver because killer frost did not freeze that arm, giving it a chance to be amputated no, that was all on me. She had nothing to do with what I just did. I swallow back a bitter taste that has risen up in my mouth and put my hood up concealing my face. With each passing day, killer frost and I are becoming one person. At this rate, the person I am now as Caitlin will cease to exist.

I board the train and go to find my seat. When I finally find it after walking in three wring cars,  I put my bag underneath the seat in front of me and lean back. It had been a long day and I was starting to feel it. I had randomly chosen a destination because I didn't care where I was going as long as it out miles between me and Central City. My phone pings with a text message. Probably either Barry or Cisco I'm sure by now they have noticed my absence. I feel bad that I left without so much as leaving a note explaining myself but knowing Cisco he most likely would have vibed it. I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone and check to see what they had to say to me. However, I do not recognize the number. Weird. I enter in my passcode and click the messaging app. All of a sudden, I get more texts each one making feel worse.

I can see you.

 I am coming to get you. 

You will be mine.

We belong together.

I drop my phone and cover my mouth. I look out of the window and I see him smiling at me. By now, I can recognize Julian's stance anywhere but something is wrong with him. Our eyes meet and I immediately recoil. It's Julian alright but his eyes look evil. Like he has power over me and knows it. Something inside me knows that just like me, though it is Julian's body Alchemy is control. Is that my fault too? Did I make Julian give in to Alchemy?  I still feel his gaze burning into me and I decide that I am not scared of him. We met eyes again and I give him a look of fierce determination that says you have no control over me. We continue looking like this as the train starts to pull out of the station. Julian laughs and pulls out his phone texting someone and I already know who. Sure enough my phone buzzes with another text message.

You Belong With Me- SnowBertWhere stories live. Discover now