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I was dreaming something random about tacos I don't even like tacos when an ear spliting shreak sounded out I reached for my alarm clock and when I found the screaming round device I picked it up and chucked it across the room and I rolled over onto my side all was quiet then BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP I growled and got up And picked up the alarm clock to find it was 6:00.

I turned off the alarm clock and put it on my bed side table I went to my closest and pulled out black leggings,a plain white t-shirt,and my jock coat which my brother may or may not have made for me.The primary color is blue with green as secondary. (desine in picture)

I walk down the stairs and crossing through the living room seeing my German shepherd,Molly laying on the couch I gave her head a quick pet as I went by I walked in the kitchen to see a slice of toast on the table my mom probally already at work left it for me I quickly ate it and walked in the living room to see my brother Will standing there with his backpack on his back and my backpack in his hand .

"I wondered when you were going to get up."Will said jokingly I sighed and took my black with secondary pink backpack from his hands."Remind me who woke up at 6:30 last time" I asked trying to get under his skin after all that's what Karma's for getting under people's skin's, he laughed a hearty laugh his light hazel eyes twinkled Will walked over to the door and opened it with a "Shall we?" I giggled as a past him "We shall." I answered

Me and Will waited for our bus while cracking jokes to pass the time.Will even though he was a jock and my brother he was one of the few friends I had. Im just a very hateful person so thats why I dont have very many friends anymore soon as the bus came we quickly got our seats it almost seemed like seconds after we got on we were at school. Me and Will went inside we parted ways so we could go to our lockers I had a top locker thankfully, I thank my long legs. I got my books and quickly headed to class. I quickly sat down in my second row seat while my best freind Morgan sat next to me.

"Attention,Attention"Our teacher Mr Jarrell said quickly quiting the class down "Alright now we have some new students that will be in this class settle down while we get them seated" Mr Jarrell said while the door opened and the new students piled in they stood there patiently waiting to be seated....there stood 5 robots in the door way you could here the gasps from the students as they stared in shock. I couldn't believe my eyes the rumors were true!

Mr Jarrell cleared his throat and then began to tell the students were to sit "Bumblebee sit next to Morgan" Bumblebee let a sentence of beeps and clicks and sat by Morgan "Optimus sit next to Karma" A tall handsome looking bot walked up and Sat beside me I gave a small hi to him he gave a small wave in return "Starscream next to Brayden" Starscream grumbled and walked over and sat down pouting "Megatron next to Elaina" Megatron huffed and sat down "Knockout next to Will" Mr Jarrell then said "These will be your partners for the rest of the year."Mr Jarrell said "Now on to the lesson." Great now im stuck with a robot lets just hope he's not to bad.

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