Ch10 The Fight and .......Wheeljack?

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After talking Arcee's helm off me and her became good friends As I was walking to my locker Will ran up to me then stopped suddenly beside me and stood there stiff as a board.
"Hello to you too?"I asked slowly my brain trying to piece what the fuck just happened.

"Hi."He breathed releasing his breath that I didn't know he was holding though I kind of guessed he was holding his breath he was stiff.
I slowly walked away from Will trying to figure out why he did that when he ran to catch up with me I put my stuff in my locker.

Thank god It was free period or I might have choked someone.Will was beside me soon a girl he had a crush on had his attention I wandered off till I accidentally ran into someone.Apparently staring at feet and walking is not afficent.I looked up and apologized for running into them this is the second time today That I ran into someone.

Im going to start kicking myself if I do it again.Oh no I ran into a decepticon not good.Holy baby on a bike he is tall

Holy baby on a bike he is tall

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And scary looking.what did I do to deserve this? "Sorry."I said to him He stared at me for a moment.........he stared at me for a while."No need to apologize a pretty femme like you shouldn't have to apologize."He told her.I couldn't help but blush.He held out his hand "I'm Megatron."He told me I took his hand then before I could move my hand he kissed it.

Now that caused a blush "I'm Karma."I told him taking my hand back and holding it to my side .It turns out I wasn't the only one that witnessed that,Will came stomping over Anger clear as day with him.He grabbed my arm and yanked me behind his back and growled at Megatron.
I had a bad gut feeling that something bad was about to happen which wasn't very good.

#%# TIME SKIP %#%

Will and Megatron both were sent home after a fight and they accidentally destroyed school property as well so that wasn't good at all thankfully we don't have to pay much for it the only thing we have to worry about is how much medical stuff cost cause they both were bleeding badly.

The free period was coming to an end and I quickly got my stuff only to have someone get my attention I turned and saw Dreadwing."Hello Dreadwing how are you?"I asked politely trying to keep this friend Dreadwing shifted nervously from one foot to the other.What do they call their feet? I quickly dismissed the thought as the voice tried to answer.

"I was wondering if you had anything to do after school?"He asked "Other than helping my brother with his injuries from Megatron,No nothing."I told him he look flabbergasted "From Megatron!"He said in shock I gave a nod to him "Is that a big deal?"I asked confused "A big deal! Megatron is our leader!"Dreadwing told her.

"So uh nothing."He said getting back on track "Nope why?"I asked he shifted his feet again "I was wondering if you would like to go to the park with me to ya know get to know eachother."He said kicking the ground "So a date?"I asked him Dreadwing then began to stutter over his words "N-n-no y-yes I-i mea-n if Y-o-o-ou want i-t to be t-the--"He was cut off by my laugh.

He looked suddenly so embarrassed with him self "What time?"I asked him.He looked up "Right after school."He told me blush on his face I smiled and Gave him a kiss between his optics suddenly he looked like a raspberry I chuckled and walked away I looked over my shoulder "See You Then!"I called to him.

I went into class and sat down in my seat in which a bot was sitting in a seat beside my desk I pulled out my phone and slouched in my seat class didn't start for a while so I was good.

Wheeljack POV

A girl with shoulder blade length dark brown hair walked in and sat in the seat beside mine I had to be seated before hand cause apparently I already hated the teacher and the teacher hated me so I knew I was just going to LOVE this class.

I looked over at the girl and dang she is hawt!I couldnt help but stare her purple eyes standing out against her I could get lost and suffocate in those She had a nice tall figure as well just judging by the way her legs are stretched out.

She sat on her phone not paying attention to my staring which was good meaning I could stare longer but I spoke to soon she looked up and over at me I looked away before she could see me stare.

She was looking at me,studying I could see from the corner of my eye Yes!With my charm I could win this tall drink over with ease!

Karma POV

I could feel someones stares I looked up and over to the mech beside me I saw his head turn quickly showing that he was staring at me I looked over him and took notice that he was an Autobot.

I could feel someones stares I looked up and over to the mech beside me I saw his head turn quickly showing that he was staring at me I looked over him and took notice that he was an Autobot

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I then lost my interest in studying him and went back to my phone feeling his stares on me again I sighed "Yes?"I said looking at him he looked startled "I'm Wheeljack."He said

Wheeljack POV

Smooth Wheeljack Smooth like thats going to help at all.She has a nice voice as well not lile Aircnaids honey voice or arcee's voice hers is sweet and lots of sour at the momment too.

Karma POV

"I'm Karma."I told him as I looked back at my phone I felt his stare on me again Some how I knew this class was going to be annoying.

A/N Sorry for the slow update

Word count 1026

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