Chat #20

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Third Update of the day here ya go!

Taylor🐈: I want your feedbacks on the song I made with ed sheeran

Camila🍌: I cant stop listening to it

Cameron🍕: it sounds amazing!! You and Ed's voice fits together so well just like Shawn and Camilas


Shawn🕶: ^

Noah🥗: I actually really liked it surprisingly because I normally don't like those kind of songs

Taylor🐈: thanks I'm glad you guys liked it, also I have a surprise for you guys

Girogia🍦: what is it?

added in Little Mix

Hailee🖥: OMG I can't believe my eyes!! ITS LITTLE MIXXXX

Hailee🖥: is there jerrie?!?!😱😱

Leigh👄: hey y'all

Everyone: hiii

Jade👊🏼: sup guys I've heard a lot about you

Perrie🍀: jade and I aren't dating

Jade🎨: we're not bi

Hailee🖥: EXCUSE ME?!

Jade🎨: sorry!

Niall🐸: please excuse her she's just a big fan

Jesy👊🏼: it's fine, I love all the worshipping already

Leigh👄: Jesy STOP IT!!

Jesy👊🏼: sorry

Hailee🖥: ik I've calmed down now so.... nice to meet you I'm Hailee steinfeld and I don't where I'm born and neither do I KNOW MY AGEE I'm hallucinating again NIALL HELP MEE

Niall🐸: I gotta put her to sleep she's had enough thank you guys though, I've been trying to get her to sleep for a while

Perrie🍀: no problem

Leigh👄: can some do you guys introduce yourselves?

Everyone Takes Turns
Introducing Themselves

Jesy👊🏼: I also want to know who's dating who

Leigh👄: I said stop it jes!!

Dinah🤙🏼: Jesy you're my sister I just know it! We both ahve it in our genes

Shawn🕶: Hailey and I are dating

Antonio🗝: Camila and I are dating

Mac☕️: Ariana and I are dating

Zendaya🏆: Tom and I are dating although he ain't in this chat

Cameron🍕: Giorgia and I are dating

Jesy👊🏼: I'm a single hottie

Dinah🤙🏼: who not potato?😏

Camila🍌: I can already see Dinah getting excited to meet her sister

Jesy👊🏼: cuz I don't look like no potato

Camila🍌: 3...2...1

Dinah🤙🏼: OMG SISTA, I'm leaving y'all me and Jesy are gonna find a place to hangout

Cardi🍐: boom boom it's me cardi b with the zee zee, I am a single potato as well

Taylor🐈: I can help you find a man

Cardi🍐: boom boom it's cardi b with the zee zee who do you have in mind?

Taylor🐈: lil pump

Cardi🍐: NO THANKS!!

Camila🍌: oh my goodness she didn't do the boom boom intro

Taylor🐈: I guess she really dislikes lil pump then...


Currently it's 9:54 at night here but I am bored so here is another update!!

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