Chat #48

444 23 4

Group Chat

Dinah🤙🏼: soo... hehe what happened?

Selena❤️: he wasn't really cheating it was... his cousin

Jesy👊🏼: BAHAHAHAHA omg I cant stop laughing😂

Leigh👄: she's actually rolling on the floor

Justin🧠: but it's all good now we're not fighting anymore

Camila🍌: now that that's gone let's focus on the baby

Jade🎨: I'm so excited for the baby jelena so cuteee


Five Months Later

Selena❤️: thank you guys for being there with me through the pregnancy I love you guys

Hailee🖥: that's what girlfriends are for

Cameron🍕: and that's what brothers are for

Justin🧠: I'm so proud of us baby

Shawn🕶: you guys are adorably adorable

Camila🍌: ew the baby's gross

Selena❤️: excuse me? Mila? What happened

Shawn🕶: see that's what happens when you take my phone mila

Camila🍌: you jerk at least I said something nice

Shawn🕶: aww I'm sorry let's go out

Camila🍌: I want ice cream. And sorry jelena Shawn's boi over is a little bit rooodd

Justin🧠: it's okay 🤣

Ariana💋: your baby is the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life

Perrie🍀: I can't lie. I feel the same way

Jade🎨: I'm not the cutest thing ever?

Perrie🍀: yes you are babe


This book is coming to an end lads
-Priscilla 👃🏼

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