Chat #27

572 22 9

Posted At: 8:33

Camila🍌: ally 'perfect' is literally my new favorite song

Normani💄: I'm happy no one is hating on you just because you did something solo

Shawn🕶: is lit braw

Ally🌸: thanks guys that really made my day

Jade🎨: why is Shawn talking like that?

Shawn🕶: talkin like wuh?

Taylor🐈: there's something wrong with that boy

Shawn🕶: no'in wrong with me man, I'm just changin'

Cameron🍕: well we don't like it bro stop

Shawn🕶: make me

Antonio🗝: what's gotten into you?

Shawn🕶: I want to change and if you don't like me then don't talk to me at all

Ariana💋: fine I'm not dealing with you

Ariana💋 has removed,
Shawn 🕶out of the Group Chat

Hailee🖥: Haley what did you do?

Hailey👙: why do you always suspect that it's me?

Ally🌸: because you're the closest to him right now

Hailey👙: I may or may not have gotten him involved with drugs

Giorgia🍦: what?! Are you stupid?!

Justin🧠: what the hell?!

Hailey👙: but it made him feel better

Leigh👄: better about what?

Hailey👙: I can't tell you guys

Camila🍌: whatever🙄, focus on ally's new song

Perrie🍀: actually though it was really really good ur vocals just slayed my whole existence

Hailey👙: Camila?

Camila🍌: what?

Hailey👙: you need to come over right now

Camila🍌: why?

Hailey👙: Shawn's going coo coo everyone come right now! I'm actually scared he's trashing the whole damn place

Selena, Ariana, Fifth Harmony, Camila, Justin, Cameron, Noah: we'll go

Little Mix: tell us if he's okay once you guys get there we can't go we have to do rehearsals

Cardi🍐: I'll keep him in my prayers

Next Chapter will be another story!
-Priscilla 👃🏼

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