Chapter #40

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                             the girls sleepover...

As Camila turned off her phone she went to get ready and take a shower, she only expected to see the girls there so she didn't bother putting on any makeup. She thought of Shawn when deciding not to put on makeup, how he always complimented her on how great she looked, or how she didn't need to put on any makeup. She quickly wiped the tears, and headed off to Zendaya's house.


Little did she know he girls had planned the boys to come over and Shawn agreed, wanting to make up with her. Once they all got their except Camila they started to plan, they decided on letting Camila wait in the room and let Shawn go in. Once Camila arrived the boys all hid. Seeing all the snacks and how comfy the place looked and how much the girls had cared about her and how much she cared about them made her break down in their arms. The girls comforted her and went to Zendaya's master bed room and watched a movie and ate their.

After going through about 2 movies, the girls said for Camila to wait there since they wanted to bring her a surprise. After 2 minutes of waiting Camila decided to go outside as she was about to get up when the door knob opened and there stood Shawn. The rest of the group was waiting outside, when they saw each other both their eyes softened as they laid eyes on each other. He walked up to Camila without saying a word but Camila backed up, the rage in her appeared as she moved backwards farther and farther. "Mila I'm so sorry I didn't mean any of it! I love you and I will never forgive myself knowing that o did something to hurt you without you forgiving me," he said truthfully. "No shawn I can't let you in all you've done is hurt me!" Camila exclaimed.
"I know and I'm sorry for that but I'm begging you please just forgive me! Even if we can't be the way we used to be at least we can be friends!" Shawn yelled. "Fine," Camila said with a sigh following after, she knew she wasn't going to win the argument anyway so might as well drop it.

"Yes!! Thank you thank you thank you!! So much I love you," he said out of joy and hugged her, she hugged him back and at that moment they both felt as if they were the only people in the world, they knew they were in love. Hoping Camila felt the fireworks as well he leaned down and kissed her. After a few seconds she gave in and kissed back.
"I love you," Shawn said after they pulled away. "I love you too," she replied. They hugged for a while and started making out u til the whole group came in and clapped. They pulled away and blushed standing there awkwardly. "SHAWMILAS BACK!!!" They all yelled flipping their heads like crazy. "Omg why are we friends with these people?" Shawn asked jokingly. "If my friends are his weird does this mean that I'm that weird?" She asked playfully. "You're a good kind of weird. And plus if you really were a weirdo you'd be my weirdo." Shawn replied cheekily. "AHHHHHH!" Taylor yelled banging her head on the wall. "Omg" shawmila both said at the same time.


Holy crap I forgot what happened on my own book but it feels good to be back! Sorry I owe y'all like fifty chapters maybe I'll give you a lot of chapters! Maybe...😏
-Priscilla nose

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