31 - Batman, Is That You?

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ELOQUIN DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HOW she got up onto the rooftop, the violent current of wind picking up her brown locks and twisting them around the air. She brushed the messy tendril that had fallen over her eyes, the air being knocked out of her lungs like a sucker punch when she looked down. Bile rose in her chest as she saw cars race down the damp roads, the hazy city lights glistening through the fog of the night. Eloquin stepped towards the ledge, her head swirling as she gripped the edge with all her might.

Is this what Peter did every day? How did he twirl through the air at such heights, his mind free of doubt and fear as he was flung through the air? His webs were a slingshot, catapulting him through dark alleyways while the wind captured his hair. Maybe if she had done things differently, it wouldn't have turned out this way. If she had just declined the stark internship and never talked to Spider-Man, she could still be with Peter. Maybe if she had just closed her window.

Eloquin found it hard to even peer over the edge of a rooftop, memories of what happened in the Washington Monument darkening her vision into a spotlight, focusing on the ground metres and metres beneath her.

She came here to think, but now that her brain was actually working it seemed like the stupidest idea ever. Why would anyone come to a rooftop at night unless they had a death wish? Eloquin glanced behind her, where safety coaxed her to curl up into its arms, but she didn't know how to get down. Panic rose in her chest when he realised she couldn't get down, the wind making her legs sway precariously.

"Fuck me!" Eloquin yelled as she stuck her arms out to either side, trying to balance herself. One wobbly foot and....


"Dumbass!" Eloquin yelled, her head help up high as she refused to look at the ground. Tears slipped down her face as she sobbed at her misfortune, or idiocy.

"If anyone's listening, Jesus, or a big purple sack of grape space balls, please tell my mom that I love her, and that I was the one who ate her birthday cheesecake, and that I'm sorry but I really don't feel sorry because it was a damn good cheesecake!"

"Excuse me lady, please get down off the ledge!"

Eloquin's eyes shot open as she turned her head half a degree, too scared to turn around in case she lost her balance. She sniffled softly, blinking away her tears and clearing the phlegm from her throat.

"Batman?" She croaked out softly, the tiniest twinkle of worry lifting off her shoulders.

"Uh, no... Spider-Man."

"UGH!" Eloquin grunted, somehow finding the courage in her frustration to lift her foot and slam it on the ledge. The action had made her legs sway like wobbly jelly, and realising her action, Eloquin screamed again.

"Hey, hey, stop moving!" Peter coaxed softly, taking a small step towards her, too scared to frighten the mysterious woman.

"Fuck off, Peter!" Eloquin yelled, making him fall back slightly. Her throat had gone hoarse with all the screaming, and it was oddly therapeutic. She shook the brown locks that had fallen onto her cheek and stuck to the salty tear trails she had left. Peter cocked his head to the side, studying the shadowy figure before his mouth popped open in realisation.

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