Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Two days later, my memory still had not come back, but I was allowed to go back home. My mom and I decided I would stay home for a week before going back to school. Even if my memory didn't come back, I would have to go to school and work hard trying to remember everything and everyone.

"Don't worry, it'll come back in a week," Dr. Mario told me, but I had trouble believing him. I didn't really care too much; I probably didn't even have a life at school. I bet no one even noticed I was gone. I mean, no one visited me in the hospital, right?

My mother drove home quietly at first. I mostly just stared out of the window, thinking about nothing and everything at the same time. It hurt my head so much that I had to close my eyes and leaned against the window instead.

"Do you remember any of the roads or houses?" my mother asks me.

I turn to look at her as I answer, "No."

She purses her lips and nods. She looks very worried, but I'm not sure why. "Where's my dad?" I ask.

Her eyes widen and I realize I shouldn't have asked the question. "Um, he left," she says after a hesitant moment.

I nod. "Do I have any siblings?"

She shakes her head.

"Um, do I have any friends?"

She actually laughs at that. "Of course you have friends, Hannah. You're one of the most popular girls in school!"

That was not what I was expecting, and it was definitely not what I was hoping for. "Oh," I say quietly. I think for a minute before asking, "Then why didn't anyone come visit me?"

My mom smiles, as if she was glad I asked that. "Dr. Mario told me that it wouldn't be a good idea for people to visit you since you couldn't remember anything or anyone. You wouldn't want to wake up crowded by strangers that were saying they missed you, right? I mean, that would be pretty scary."

"Or caring," I murmured. She didn't hear me, but I was half hoping that she did.

I closed my eyes again and leaned back against the window.

I hope my memory comes back soon.

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