Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

My alarm goes off at 6:30. I have an hour and a half to wake up, take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and arrive at school at 8:00. I try to hit the snooze button, but it accidentally push the clock off my dresser. "Ugh," I moan as the beeping gets louder and faster. If I don't turn it off soon, the alarm is going to give me a panic attack. I feel around the floor for the alarm clock, my body is still on my bed and I am just about to fall back to sleep. I find the wire and follow it to the clock- the wrong way. My hand hits the wall instead. "Ow," I murmur. I feel the electrical socket and try to pull the write out. The alarm is still blaring loudly. "Shut up," I tell it. It doesn't listen to me. When are they ever going to make voice-activated alarm clocks? It would save me a lot of trouble. I finally separate the dumb wire and the hard wall, silencing the clock. It's been beeping for such a long time that I can still hear it thudding in my ears. I rub my forehead and yawn. My head doesn't hurt too much, but when I try to sit up, my back is sore from sleeping in an odd position. "Arghhhhh," I moan loudly, just as my mom knocks on my bedroom door. "Honey, are you awake?"

I glare at her. "I could've used your help a minute ago."

She purses her lips. "Sorry, I was in the shower." She looks over at the alarm clock tangled in its own wire. "What happened to that?" I glance at it, then say, "It's broken." She nods her head, "Well I guess I'll have to buy you a new one. But until I do, I guess I'll have to wake you up before getting in the shower." She sighs as I think to myself, Thank God. "I'm going to take a quick shower and get dressed," I tell her. She nods and turns to go, saying on her way out, "I'll make you some breakfast. Take your time, sweetie."

Wow. It isn't normal for parents to tell their kids "take your time" when getting ready for school. I sigh, tilt my head up to the sky, and praise The Lord for giving me an excuse to have a mom like her.

For now, at least. I don't know if she'll be the same when I regain my memory. I can only hope.

I strip of my clothing and catch a look at myself in the mirror. I had only taken a shower a couple of times since I got out of the hospital, since water isn't good for my stitches. Plus, I've been really tired. I look at myself in the mirror and sigh, trying to pinch my stomach fat, but finding nothing to pinch. My breasts are pretty rounded and large. My hair is a sweet red-ombré color- dyed, actually. I haven't been able to look at myself long enough to notice that until now. It's straight, but I can curl it if I want to. I have bangs that give me an edgy look, and I actually like it. My eyes are a piercing gray, with dark green specks surrounding my pupil. I find myself smiling, then realize that I'm wasting time. I jump into the shower, turning the tub faucet until it is right in the middle of cold and hot. I wash my face, my hair, my arms, my legs. I get out if hee he shower, dry off as quickly as I can, and get dressed. I didn't have any time to shave my legs, so I pull on some jeans. I put on my bra, a gray sweatshirt that drapes just over my right shoulder, red converse, and some eyeliner. I look at myself in the mirror one last time. It's good enough, I think. I have no idea what the other kids wore at school, but my "casual" clothes played it safe. I should be able to survive my first day back.

I run downstairs to the welcoming smell of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. My eyes widen as I see my mom in an apron, placing food on a plate in such a delicate order. She starts to pour some milk in a glass cup before turning around to notice I was there. She jumps. "Oh, darling. You look beautiful!! Today's going to go by just fine. Breakfast?" I nod sheepishly, not knowing what to say.

I chow down as my mom babbles on about my teachers, my classrooms, the buildings, and my friends. "Oh, Cassie is the sweetest little angel." I'm only paying half attention, because the food in front of me is just so darn good.

Finally, my mom says, "Oh my!! You'll be late!!"

She snatches my plate away and I find myself asking, "I thought it didn't matter?"

She smiles at me as she shoos me out the door and into the car. "Oh, well. I said it so you wouldn't stress. But I'm sure that Principal Rainsford will be considerate of you arrive fifteen minutes after the bell." She starts the car and I glare at her. First of all, she lied about my tardiness. Second of all (and more importantly), she took my food away.

She pulls up to a building with teenagers all around. Some of are sitting on the steps of the school, some are on the high cement railings of the stairs. I see people in jeans, shorts, miniskirts. Sneakers and flip flops. Hair tied up in a nerdy pony tail and hair blow-dried to make it look dead sexy. Couples making out, not caring who's watching. Kids driving up in convertibles with their music blasting.

Overall, everything is exactly what I hoped it wouldn't be.

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