Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I've been home for a six days. I was getting more comfortable with the neighborhood, but nothing triggered my memory. My mother and doctor tried to be enthusiastic about it, but I knew that there was a chance that my memory would never come back.

Despite my amnesia, I would have to go to school tomorrow. My mother was worried, but I was glad to have something to do. It was incredibly aggravating to have a mother like mine following me around all day and asking, "Do you remember this?" every time she pointed to a vase or photo framed in the wall.

There have been a few times when a kid would ride his bike down the street in front of my house,and my mother would point him out. "Do you know him?" and I would respond, "No." She would purse her lips and say, "Yeah, neither do I..." receiving an eye roll from me.

It got to the point where I decided to tell her that I needed space and walked to my room without hearing a reply.

I've been trying to watch television, but I can't find anything familiar. I review shows from Spongebob to Supernatural and everything in between. I pick up my iPod and stare at the numbers that are asking for my password. I sigh. I wondered if my "old self" would have told my mother my password. "Moooooom!!" She rushes in soon after I call her with an excited expression. I hold up my phone. "Do you know my password?" She sighs. I bet she thought I was calling her because I recognized something.

She shrugs. "No, but try '1997', your birth year."

I type it in but the little circles shake, telling me it's the wrong password. I shake my head. "Try '5767'."

I purse my lips. "What does that represent?"

"One of your favorite bands, 5 Seconds of Summer. The numbers mean, uh, 5-S-O-S."

I raise my eyebrows, not remembering any "5SOS," but I try it anyway. It doesn't work. I sigh. "Whatever, it doesn't matter right now."

My mother purses her lips again and looks around the room, looking for something that I might have used as my password. "Oh!!" she exclaims as she picks up a framed picture of some guy that I also can't remember. "Try the numbers for 'R-U-S-H.'"

I rolled my eyes again and typed it in. My iPod home screen lit up in front of me, revealing my apps. "Thanks, I guess." My mother smiled.

"Do you remember him?" She points to the guy in the picture and sits down next to me on my bed. He was about my age, tall and skinny. He had muscles, though- most likely from playing sports- and short but shaggy brown hair and green eyes. He had slightly tan skin and was incredibly handsome. I shake my head. "I wish."

She laughs and shakes her head, handing me the frame. "He's your boyfriend." I widen my eyes. Boyfriend?! This boy was good-looking and almost the complete opposite of my red hair and pale skin. I can't even remember my family, let alone my friends. Surely I wouldn't be very good at keeping a relationship with someone I don't even know. Technically.

My mother laughed again. "I know that's probably a lot to take in. His name is Aaron Rush. His four-lettered last name is your iPod password, so you obviously like him a lot. He's a very sweet young boy, Hannah. He won't let you down." With that- and a kiss on the forehead- she walks out of the room, shutting the door behind her. I stare at the perfect picture for a couple of minutes, but soon give up on remembering. I go on my music playlists and search through what I have downloaded, trying to figure out what my music taste was like.

I listen to music from 5 Seconds of Summer, Queen, Katy Perry, and Pierce the Veil, but my memory doesn't let me sing any words.

I let the music play on my headphones and scroll through all my notes. I find a list of all my passwords from the apps and social network accounts that I have. I have a Twitter, an Instagram, and a Vine. No Facebook.

I watch some of the Vines that I have liked/revined. They're all funny and made me laugh, but I didn't remember watching any of them before. I only had 8 followers, probably because (by looking at my profile) I only followed famous Viners and never made Vines on my own. On Instagram, I had about 60 photos posted, started from about 12 weeks ago. Each photo had 250+ likes and most of then had around 25 comments, sometimes more. I had 992 followers and followed 113 people. My photos were very pretty and organized, and many of them were taken with other people. I guessed I was either popular at school or people just liked my account. So many of the comments said things like, "Gorgeous!!" or "Why can't I be like you?" Others were just emojis like hearts or the smiley face with hearts as eyes. I had responded to a lot of them using names. As an example:

@byron_robertson_ ily hannah. you're perfect

@hannah_manna ily2 byron, but no one's as perf as you :)

Or even:

@katelovestroy are you coming tonight?

@hannah_manna yea bby, see you there :)

The next photo posted after the one with the last comment was a picture of me and this "@katelovestroy" posing together with our arms around each other. I'm guessing she's one of my friends.

Twitter was an overload of Tweets, pictures, DMs, and other notifications. I got a headache just looking at the number of followers I had.

I put my iPod down after closing all the apps I had open and laid my head down to rest, realizing I should get as much sleep as possible since I had school tomorrow. As I dozed off to sleep, I wondered what the school looked like, how people dressed, how much work we usually got, whether or not I had a test tomorrow, if the lunch was good, and so many other things. But above all, I wondered if anyone would care that I was back.

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