Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

That night, I get a call from someone named Jack. I answer hesitantly, hoping that he's not from Cassie's crowd- especially since Kate never mentioned him.

"Hannah?" a deep voice says from the other line.


"Oh, thank God. Kate texted me and told me everything."

I sigh in relief. He's obviously from Kate's group of friends. "Um, yeah..." I still can't trust him, though. I don't know who he is.

"So you're back at school and everything?"

I bite my lip, not knowing how to respond. He chuckles at my silence. "Sorry, you probably don't even remember me."

"I'm sorry," I say, defeated.

"Nah, its okay. I'm not worth remembering anyway."

"I'm sure that's not true," I argue at his insecurity.

"It probably is." Silence reveals itself once more, and I'm left wondering if I should speak up or just hang up.

"Maybe I should just come over to your house and re-introduce myself," Jack interrupts my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah. Maybe that's a good idea," I reply.

I hear him smile over the phone. "'Kay, I'll see you in ten minutes?"

"Yeah, okay."

Neither of us hangs up the phone. "Um, so I'll see you then..." Jack says again.

Realization hits me and I answer too quickly. "Yeah, see you. Bye." I hang up the phone before he gets the chance to reply and place the phone on my bed. I put my head in my hands, wondering how many people I have yet to re-meet. Half of me hopes that it's only a few people, but the other half of me just wishes that I didn't even know anyone. Not even Kate. It's a horrible thought, but it pisses me off when I think about how I acted before I hit my head. I picture myself dressed in a cheer outfit with my tongue in Aaron's mouth, his hands on my hips. I disgust myself with the images flowing through my mind, and I wish I could just erase everything. I wish that I had woken up in a different place. A different state, a different situation, a different life. Or maybe I could've just not woken up at all.

I shake my head and try or clear my thoughts. "No, Hannah. You're wrong. You don't wish that. You had a good day today," I tell myself.

I jump off of my bed and run to my mirror, checking my face for pimples and brushed through the multiple strands of hair that wanted to throw a disco party on my scalp. I smoothed out my shirt and sighed, trying out a smile.

Once I felt comfortable in my own skin, I rushed towards my mom's room to tell her that a friend was coming over. Her eyes widened when I mentioned Jack's name.

"Oh! Let me make some cookies, then. Or some sandwiches! You should've told me sooner!" she said, rushing out of her room and towards the kitchen.

"No, Mom, you don't have to make anything. I'm not that hungry."

She laughed and shook her head. "Oh, the food isn't for you, honey. Jack is always hungry. Not once has he stepped into this house and not gone straight to the fridge before saying hello."

I sighed and refrained myself from putting my head on the table in defeat. "Okay, fine. Make your sandwiches. Make your cookies, whatever." I turned my back and heard my mom chuckle. "What's so funny?" I ask her.

She shakes her head as she takes out a packet of cheese slices. "Oh, it's just that you put too much stress on this 'remembering' crap. I know, I know, I probably sound like a big old hypocrite at the moment, but honey, Jack is going to accept you no matter what. Trust me."

I glance at my mom's face, wondering what made her say "Jack" and not "your friends," but I was interrupted by the sound of a doorbell ringing.

I turn my back and head for the door, secretly praying that this won't be a waste of time.

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