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"...Sayori!" You smiled.

"Yay!" She giggled, "Oh wait I don't have anything to read.." Sayori nervously admitted.

"Oh that's okay, you guys could get supplies." Yuri helpfully added. Even though she looked a bit disappointed that she had no reading parter.

"Yea.. go ahead and get those.." Monika sighed, also a bit disappointed.

You nodded, grabbing Sayori's wrist and walking into the hallway. "So.. what supplies would we be getting?"

"Oh, only me and Monika actually know." Sayori smiled, "Buuut.. I'll let you in on it early!"

"If only you and Monika know, why did Yuri-" You started, but Sayori interrupted.

"She's seen us grab stuff like markers and glue before, especially so close to the festival!"

You stayed silent as you and Sayori walked down the quiet halls to a supply room. Sometimes you could hear the yelling or even singing in other clubrooms.

"So.. this friend you were going to bring, who are they?"

"He's been my friend for a really long time, since we were kids. But.. we've drifted apart ever since I started to sleep in more." Sayori sighed.

"So how do you plan on getting him to join?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well.. I already told Natsuki to make cupcakes, and everybody else. So basically I'm going to make him feel guilty if he doesn't go." Sayori shrugged, humming.

"Sayori! That's devious!" You laughed, Sayori smiled back.

"Right? Aren't I a genius?" Sayori asked, grinning.

"You sure are!"

It was mostly just talk about this new guy that might be coming, he seemed really plain to you. Except for his name, Player? How does that even work? He's not getting any girls soon.

It wasn't long until you reached the storage room, grabbing the glue like Sayori had said before.

All in all, the girl ended up bumping her head and you had to buy her Apple juice to make it feel better.

"Can we walk home together?" Sayori asked you, trying to ignore the pain in her for head.

Yes= S2

No= S3

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