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"Actually.. no thanks, I didn't really plan on reading the rest of it. No.." You shrugged, putting the book down.

You could see the dissapointment in her eyes, "Yeah, well I knew you were gonna say that anyways." Natsuki huffed. "Nobody likes manga, which obviously means they don't like me. I don't see why, I'm a pro!"

"Keep telling yourself that Natsuki." You walked off. Not realizing how much that hurt the girl.

"Yea? Well- well you don't even know me! You don't know what I've been through!" Natsuki raised her voice, but it wasn't a yell. It wouldn't matter anyways, most of the people here had already left.

"Natsuki, it's not a big deal." You turned, but instead saw her run out with her bag.

"Oh gosh, I messed up.. all of this over a stupid manga? She's so.. fake!"

You finally found the word for most of the girls here, "They're all so fake. Each of their personalities, well, except Monika.." It was probably best you choose somebody else in stead of Natsuki. She wasn't the one for you.

So as you walked home, the day was still bright. You may have not found the girl you loved, but you could find it in someone else.

Go to 'New Guy'

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