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Long ago, two races ruled over the earth. HUMANS and MONSTERS.
One day, a war broke out between the two races.
The humans were victorious, and they sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell.
Many years later...
A child brought the monsters on the surface yet again, becoming their Ambassador.
A new story began.
Yet.. They lost their ability to RESET.
The time loop was finally ending.
Sans' wish has come true, over countless resets, Genocides, Neutrals, Pacifists.
He could finally live on.
And he did.
Now, three years after they arrived, they we're living their lives to their fullest.
What about..
Oh, that's a story for some other time.
Now, let's talk about you!
You, haha, you're a 15 years old girl trying to balance bills, work and school, trying to not starve, in a cruel world void of love.
No, not L.O.V.E.
Love, as in the original word. Not the acronym.
Well, I guess I should explain!
Your parents.. are dead. Murdered, to be precise.
No siblings, no grandparents, no cousins, no anything.
That left you, at such a fragile age, to fend for yourself, while trying to not give in to depression and overworking.
Well, that's one heck of a ride we'll see, is it not?
Of course, there will be drama, passion and love.
So prepare for it.
And.. Good luck, (Y/N).
You'll need it.

Graveyard Kitten (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now