7.0 | Stay. Away.

21 1 4

A voice rips you out of your thoughts, and you jump slightly in alarm, only to calm down soon after, muttering a distracted "Yes" to Frisk.
'Is anything wrong?'they sign worriedly.
"N-No, just, uh, thinking, kiddo. Don't worry so much." you chuckle tiredly and pat their head. 'You sure?' "Yup. All's okay."
You've been feeling.. Really off. Like something is wrong. There is definitely something wrong. You just know it. You can't even-- something is wrong and it's bothering you. "Hey, Frisk, what's the hour?" you mumble, smiling fakely. 'Almost three..' they sign, seemingly noticing your worsening mood.
"Oh, so we're gonna go home soon." your smile widens, your eyes darkening, a sad twinge appearing in your voice. 'Yep.'
You shrug and pat their head, sighing. "I'll go to the cemetery later, okay? Don't try ta follow me, you'll regret it." you chuckle, glaring at them.
You just told them, since they seem like the curious type. 'S..Sure.' they hesitate, seemingly caught off guard. "Good. You'd better not get stuck in something you don't want to be in." you chuckle and pat their head, getting up and dusting your clothes off, indifferently waving to them and starting to head towards the double doors leading out of your school.
You bump softly into someone, almost falling over but managing to keep your body upwards. "Hey, hey, Buttercup." a deep voice drawls out. "Hey, Sans." you grin, waving tiredly towards him.
"You okay? You seem kind of tired." he chuckles.
Well no shit.
"Couldn't sleep well, nothing too bad." you wink playfully at him.
Insomnia really keeps you up, yanno?
He lowers his.. Bone-brows..? In concern and studies your face a bit, while you're stuck contemplating how bone can move.
Does that mean that he has other.. Things?
Like a di--
You are ripped out of your suddenly inappropriate thoughts by the small nugget named Frisk, who catapulted themselves on your middle, tackle-hugging you, making you let out a squeal of surprise. 'What're you thinking about?' they say, wiggling their eyebrows at you. "The hell, kid? Stop wiggling your eyebrows." you stare down at them. 'NEVER! The eyebrows shall dance on.' they sign at you with a cheeky smile. (Sorry senpaiiii~)
The skeleton besides you snorted and pried the ball of excitement off you, saying a small "Bye kid." before disappearing completely.
Somehow you are not fazed by that and just shake your head in mock disappointment, starting to head towards the cemetery.

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