My mission....

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Chaos POV
I was really scared, I have to tell percy that he has to go to his least favourite planet, Earth. He saw me looking a little nervous.

"What is it dad?"

"Son I have a mission for you but you may not like it."

"Dad, you know that you can tell me anything."

"You have to promise me something."


"No hatter what, you cannot blast this place to bits." He nodded. "You have to go to Earth."

Omega/Percy POV

The only reason that I didn't blow up the palace to bits is because my dad would probably kill me.


And I left. I had to tell every one, but first I need to cool off. I went straight to the training room to kill some dummies..... And maybe some annabeths..... And maybe some Jasons......

Percy jackson Betrayed Son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now