Vents (Steve)

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I've been here for weeks. Maybe a few months now. Every day is the same, wake up, eat what is slid under my cell door (if given anything), get beaten and dragged to a lab or -unfortunately- a gym, be experimented on, pass out from pain. Repeat.

The day that the routine got disrupted was the day they didn't experiment but instead left me in a room with another person. Someone with a bag over their head and a gun on the table beside me. Over the speakers someone starts blabbering "this man is your greatest enemy. He wants to kill you, torture you and hurt everyone you have ever cared about." The voice pauses as my eyes flick to the gun "pick up the gun, end him before he can end you."

No. I walk towards the man, pulling the bag off his head, I should know who he is. Blonde hair, baby blue eyes, must have been in a fight recently because his face is bruised in patterns that look like knuckles.

Whoever he is he must be important if he took a beating, possibly from one of the high ups who were yelling earlier during my training session. He has a gag in his mouth but I know that I can't kill him as he might be my way out of here.

But I have to make it look like I am going along with HYDRA's plan so I grab his chin roughly and say "I want to see the face of the man I'm killing." I turn and grab the gun from the table and aim at him, I look at the camera and smile before turning on it and shooting.

Rushing to the table I move it so it's wedged under the door handle, blocking anyone from getting in and unbind the man's gag. "I'm-"he punches me as soon as I undo his bonds, so much for gratitude.
"Who are you and why are you here?"
Now there are agents on the other side of the door, slamming into it trying to get in "My name is (Y/N) and I got abducted!"
"Why were you going to shoot me?"
"I wasn't. I just needed time to think of a plan to get you out of here."
"You" pant "know who I am?"
"No, but you are obviously important since you got the shit kicked out of you by the high-ups."
"Never mind, how about we just get out of here before they blow that door off its hinges or something idiotic like that."
"The doors blocked we can't"
"Look up dumbass."

He looks offended by my choice of words, oh well. I move under ventilation vent and lookback at him "lift me up" he shuffles over and lifts me so I am sitting on his shoulders, just high enough to reach the grate and pull the screws out of it.

He moves his hand to lift me into it but to do that he needs to touch my ass and he hesitates "there's nothing wrong with you doing that in this type of situation, if any other I would cut off your hand." He lifts me into the gate and as I turn to boost him up I see fingers holding the ridges, he's hanging from the ceiling. Once about halfway in I can hear the door finally being pushed open, and grab hold of him, pulling him all the way in, but on top of me.

"Sorry about this Mr.?"
"Steve, call me Steve."
"Okay well Steve, let's get out of here, because they are most likely going to figure out how to find us soon and if they do they will kill us."

He lifts himself up as much as he can, but can barely separate us, I slide from under him and shimmy down the vent until I find a shaft running upwards, "when in doubt just go up" I hear a laugh as I start shimmying upwards. After a few minutes of climbing I make it to a lead off that I can feel a breeze through, a fresh air breeze. I go down that tunnel hopping that the man- who I don't know why he's so important- follows me. Its dark out, I can't hear anything, so I assume its all clear, but once I sniffle from dust getting to my nose for the first time in what seems like forever I see someone with bright red hair touch her ear and whisper something.

When the man hits me from behind my head rams into the grate, making her come closer, gun raised. She reaches the grate and flips it open to be met with my eyes full of fear.

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