Fuck you Barnes

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(Bucky's P.O.V.)

I got called to the training room, apparently we are getting a new recruit. It's been five minutes and only Steve, Nat and I are here. "Is he coming?"
"She should be."
"It's a girl?"
Nat looks at me, "do you have a problem with having another girl around here?"
"No." She's scary.

One of the doors open, a girl walks through with a face void of emotion. "Is this the right training room?"
"Yes it is (L/N). Come over here, is time you to meet your trainers."
"Black Widow and The Winter Soldier. I've met them before."

Steve looks stunned. Nat and I glance at each other.

"Widow was sent to kill my mother, Winter was sent to kill my father."

"You're an orphan?"
"No, I'm a run away. It sounds a lot better." She walks over to a weapons rack, pulling off a katana. "I can see a Mulan moment coming."

Steve perks up, "If you mean you're thinking about cutting your hair I suggest not."
She looks at him, "Capsicle got a reference. Amazing."

After hanging the weapon back up she squeals and grabs an extendable staff.

Her eyes change from hard and cold to what a child's may look like if forced to kill. Joyful and warm.

"Let's play." She takes off at a full sprint at us, staff in one hand, one end against her shoulder blade the other inches from the ground.

Then her feet leave the floor and the staff is above her head. Coming down at my face. It stops millimetres from my face. "You're supposed to fight back. You know that right?"

Looking past the metal rod I look to its holder. "You took me by surprise, try again."

She rolls her eyes and moves to put away the staff. "I'm going for a nap. See y'all at dinner."

She doesn't look at us as she walks out. "Steve, where'd she get recruited from?"
"I don't know. Ask Fury tonight, he's coming for dinner."

(Your P.O.V.)

The staff was right in front of him, and yet he didn't move to block or deflect it. What an idiot. Ha, Hermione moment right there.

Hiding in my room after that seems like the best thing to do. Unfortunately, I forget that when I don't concentrate, or really think of it, my power gets the best of me. I am an antigravity chick as my stupid ex explained to me.

As I play on my phone instead of taking a nap I start to basically float, my feet hit the roof and I don't care. As long as I don't drop my phone I'll be fine.

Hours have passed, and the dumb Soldier opens my door giving my room a once over and running back out.

Something's up. Shoving my phone into my pocket I walk across the roof and through the door way and up the hall to where supper is to be. And to where the yelling is coming from.

"She's not in there, I looked!"
"Buck calm-"
"Steve FRIDAY even said she was in there, so where is she?"

He didn't look high enough. Stretching out so I'm basically laying as if I am on a floor- knees bent and head held up by hands- I watch the ruckus. After a few minion them yelling I pipe up. "Who wasn't in their room?"

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