Drifter Pt. 3

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Legs moving, eyes stinging and throat tight, while not a thought goings through my mind while my heart picks up speed.

She left me and now I'm leaving her. I don't need her, I don't need anyone else. I DO NOT need her.

Queens, is slightly different then New York. I'll give it that. Really not much though. I've met Spider-Man once, I'm not a fan given that he caught me pick pocketing and threatened to turn me over to the cops. Instead I played the 'crying, lonely, parents beat me so I ran away' card. Luckily that worked on him and I managed to get away. Unfortunately for him I learned his real identity and now I go to Queens and piss him off once in awhile.

Some guy named Flash made a comment to me when I went and pissed him off right after school. Something about him not being my type? So I introduced myself to Flash and told him who my dad was, turned to Peter and planted my lips on his before smiling, grabbing Peters hand and walking away while he was still stuttering.

The walk is boring, my bag has three different wallets in it, all shoved down as deep as they can go. Make that four.

Leaning against a tree trunk near his school and listening for the final bell to ring. He walks out with his friend, Ned I think as I stand and push away from my tree.

Flash is pushing him as I walk up and stop the three. "Hey Peter, hello Ned, how are you two?"
"(Y/N)! Why are you here?"
"Can't I surprise you? Or is that a bad thing to do?" Giving him a flirty smile and wink I ignore Flash who keeps up with the two.
"No! Uh, just wasn't expecting you today! Thought you were gonna be around tomorrow?"

He sounds nervous while Flash's mouth opens and closes "thought I'd pop by earlier, I haven't actually met your Friend here," I jester to Ned while speaking completely ignoring Flash. "And thought I should, I mean you talk about him with such high regards."

Ned smiles at his friend, "well, I do try my best to be his best Miss."
"Please call me (Y/N)!"

He smiles while we start walking Peter in between us. There small talk between us as we walk to Peters house.
"This is you two! I gotta get home, my dad is probably mad that I ditched him."

Ned looks scared and Peter does his best to hid his worried eyes. "Yeah, let me know how that goes. Or if you need a place to crash."

Rolling my eyes and punching him lightly in the shoulder before turning and calling "goodbye" over my shoulder.

As I walk away a fancy car slows near me, "I was going to find the kid but I guess you will do."
"Fuck off Stark."
I keep walking as he try's to pull a U-turn. "Nat isn't happy that you managed to give her the slip."
"Do I care?" I have yet to look at him other then a few times from the corner of my eye.
"You know, I don't like seeing my friends hurt. Unfortunately for you she is kinda my girlfriends friend so that practically counts."

Stopping I look him dead in the eye. "Look jackass, whatever your trying to do, guilt trip me I guess, it ain't gonna work. She left so I'm leaving. See you on the news." Turning to the way I came from making Stark to yet another U-turn he still drones on.
"S.H.E.I.L.D. made her leave."
"You're not Captain America."

There's a clump of people up ahead and I see my way out of this annoying banter. Shoving myself into the crowd and pushing out into the ally near it to escape Stark.

Of course I pick a pocket or two while I'm moving.

Heading to the 'dead end' of the ally to push my shoulder into the green board just as Stark pushes his way into the ally. The bottom of the board gives way into the abandoned building that is a pretty nice hangout for runaways and kids that have been kicked out.

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