Girl Talk

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The next few days after the ball were pretty intense. I spent time with the Mikaelson's, my brothers, building friendships with Caroline, Bonnie, and some of the other friends as well.

I also was spending time getting to know Esther and trying to help their family work on things. Plus now Sage was in town and I could see how happy Sage and Finn were together. In all the free time I had from everything else I would spent time with Elijah just loving being back together.

I had also been working on bringing them all together so we could all get along. I wanted them all to see how lucky they all were. I had left the house to meet up with Caroline at the grill.

Once I got there I walked in and saw Caroline waiting. I walked over and set down with her.

"Sorry I am late, took me longer to get out of the house then I thought it would."

"You are fine; I just got here as well." We ended up ordering our food and talking while we waited.

"Would you mind if I asked you something?" I said after a few minutes.

"Sure, what is it?"

"It's kind of personal, is that alright?"

"Of course, I know a lot of personal things about you. Ask me anything you want to know."

"What is going on with you and Nik, or Klaus as you all call him?"

"I don't really know to tell the truth. I know that he has a thing for me. I'm just not sure how I feel about him. Part of me wants to go for it while another part of me is so nerves to admit that I do kind of like him. I just really don't know how I feel about it all. I'm scared that the way I feel is going to cause problems for everyone. I don't think I have ever told anyone how I feel. Let alone said it out loud. It's just so easy to talk to you, like we have been best friends for our whole lives."

"Well I was pretty good friends with you ancestor from back when I was human. Maybe you feel that connection." I suggested to her then paused.

"I know that what you have with Klaus is complicated but it's ok to feel what you do. It's alright to follow your heart, and if your friends really love you and care about you they will support you and what you want. Follow your heart and not your head for once. You deserve to be happy no matter who it's with or what it takes to make you happy. If you think there is something there you should follow it and go for it. Enjoy everything that you can have. Klaus is different when you are with him. You are like a sun that came into his dark world. I really think that if Klaus is who you want you should go for it."

"Do you really think it's a good idea?"

"Caroline, if he is who you want then go for it. Once you get to know him and I mean really know him. He's an amazing guy. He's one of my closest friends now. After I met them, Nik helped me with the whole not knowing my real dad thing. If you really want this you should go for it."

"Thank you Bella its nice to be able to talk to someone that understands and will not judge me for how I feel. I'm glad that you came here. Everyone is always worried about Elena especially your brothers. They don't care as long as she is safe. I love Elena; she's one of my best friends. I just wish that it was not always about her. That they care about what others feel and want just as much as what Elena wants or needs. I wish that is was not always what we should do for Elena. Does that make me a bad friend?"

"Of course not, you should be able to do your own thing. It's not all about her. Listen tonight Rebekah and I are spending the night together and having a sleepover at their house while Elijah is with his brothers. Why don't you come over and spend the night? I can pick you up on my way over, or we can stop by your place to get your things and you can come to my house for a while. It's all up to you. I promise they will be on their best behaver around you."

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