Back in Mystic Falls

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The day had finally come for us to go back home. We were all packed and ready to go. The guys had packed the cars and we were doing one last walk though the house before we headed out. Once we were sure we were good to go we all headed out and I locked up the house.

"Alright everyone in the cars you came in and we will meet at the airport." I told everyone and we all started to load into the cars. The drive to the airport was not to bad and we were there quickly. We got out of the cars and headed off to be able to get on our flight.

"I don't know if I want to go back" Caroline told us. All of us girls were setting waiting together.

"I don't either" Rebekah was quick to add.

"Well at least we have some weddings to plan when we get back. Plus, maybe an awesome graduation party as well."

"That is true but there is so much drama back home" Rebekah said.

"Well we could always go somewhere else after the weddings. Nik promised to show Caroline the world. We have homes all over the world we might as well enjoy them."

"This is why you are one of my favorites Bella you always know what to do."

"Well I wouldn't go that far Rebekah, but I guess that I do alright."

"Where should we go next?" Lilly spoke up for the first time.

"I'm not sure but I think as long as we are all together wherever we are or go will be home because it will be full of our loved ones."

"I agree with Bella" Caroline said. "But I would not mind going to Paris as well." We all laughed and then were told our flight was ready. So, we went to get on the plane.

The plane ride was nothing different we just talked and laughed and started some more wedding planning now that we had two to plan.

"You know I really hope that I am the next one" Rebekah told us girls.

"You know I could help that along."

"Well get on it would you."

"I'm all over it." I tell her with a laugh.

"All over what?" Stefan ask as the guys walked up to us.

"Nothing really brother."

"You're up to something little sister." Damon said as he set by me.

"Only because I learned how from my big brothers."

"Well played little sister well played."

"Well thank you." We all laughed and just enjoyed the rest of our flight.

By the time we landed and left the airport it was already getting late and by the time we made it home it was time to just go to bed. Elijah, Lilly and I walked into the house and put our bags down.

"Well I am ready to just shower and go to bed" I told them both.

"I am as well I will just unpack in the morning."

"Alright good night sweetie."

"Good night mom and dad."

"Good night sweetheart." She walked up to her room and then we walked up to our room after her. Once in the room I shut the door behind me.

"I'm going to get a shower quick."

"Alright my love" I left into the bathroom and was quick to get ready and then shower because I was ready to just sleep. Once done with the shower I wrapped up in a fluffy towel and went back to the room.

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