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i'm feeling inspired bois
"it's ab-b-b-bout time you guys showed up" bill said as he saw richie and eddie approaching the group of the rest of the losers.

"what took you guys so long?" mike asked, concerned, while bill and stan just laughed.

"i had to break out of mom jail" eddie shrugged.

"ha! you owe me five bucks!" bev shouted at stan.

"for fucks sake" stan said, sighing and handing bev a five dollar bill.

"you fuckers placed a bet on us?" richie asked.

"stan bet you g-guys were s-s-sucking face somewhere" bill said.

"bev, give stan the five back, and give him an extra five" eddie said, causing richie to choke on his own spit and the rest of the losers to look at him with shocked faces.

"you're lying" bev said.

"bet" eddie replied nonchalantly.

"prove it" ben said.

eddie shrugged his shoulders and turned to face richie.

"sorry, trashmouth"

"sorry for wha-"

but before richie could finish his sentence, he felt eddie's hand on his chest, pushing him.

"you fucker!" he screamed as he fell backwards off the cliff and into the water below him.

"woo!" eddie yelled as he threw off his shirt and jumped in after richie.

eddie laughed as he resurfaced from the lake, but his laughter quickly faded as his eyes scanned the area for richie, not finding him.


no response.


no response.

"ri-?" but eddie was cut off as something grabbed his foot and yanked him underwater.

as his head popped out of the water, the first thing he saw was richie tozier, his glasses nowhere to be seen, laughing his ass off.

"fuck you richie tozier!" eddie said as he laughed and splashed water at the other boy.

richie just laughed and swam towards his best friend.

"you know you love me. and to be fair, you pushed me first, kaspbrak"

eddie had no response, so he just swam closer to richie. they were only inches apart now.

"you know you're so beautiful without your glasses?" eddie said, using one of his hands to cup richie's cheek and the other to brush some hair out of his face.

"i guess i'll have to invest in some contacts then"

"guess so" eddie said and closed the space between the two.

the kiss was everything they expected. it was like they were the only two people in world. they didn't even hear the rest of the losers whistling and cheering above them. when they palled apart, richie began to sing.

"you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are grey. you'll never know, dear, how much i love you, please don't take my sunshine away"

"holy shit rich" eddie whispered.

"shut up"

"nononono that was beautiful. thank you."

"for what?"


"of course, eddie spaghetti."

"don't call me that, four eyes"

"touché" richie replied, brushing some hair out of eddie's face.

but when he did so, something caught eddie's attention.

there was a bright purple bruise on richie's forearm.

eddie seized his wrist and studied the mark, richie just looking down.

"what happened?" eddie asked, voice full of concern and worry.

"i just, uh, i fell down the stairs the other day. it was a pretty nasty fall."

eddie didn't believe him, but he didn't want to question it further. he didn't want to ruin the day. so he kept his mouth shut.

"i need to go." richie said as he swam away from eddie and towards the rocks on land. eddie swam after him.

"i'm sorry, richie. did i say something?" eddie asked as they climbed out of the water.

"no. i just, i need to get home before dinner. mom'll kill me if i'm not." richie paused to give eddie a quick peck on the lips. "i'll see you tomorrow, eds"

"see ya, rich"

"YOU STILL OWE STAN THAT FIVE DOLLARS, BEV!" richie shouted as he walked away.

"HES SOMEWHERE SUCKING FACE WITH BILL" mike yelled back. eddie heard ben and bev's laughter and began to walk up to where they were.

"hey guys" eddie said, sitting down on a rock and opening his bag to grab a snack. he ripped open a bag of hot cheetos and placed one in his mouth.

"sup loverboy" ben teased him.

"you're not doing to bad yourself, hanscom" eddie replied, eyeing ben and bev's intertwined fingers. bev smirked while ben looked away blushing.

"but i wanna ask you guys something" eddie said seriously.

"go for it"

"has richie been acting...weird lately?"

"he's, richie. you've gotta be more specific" mike said chuckling.

"he's been showing up in my front yard for the past couple of nights-"

"it's because he's in love with you, duh" bev said.

"not the point right now. anyways, i found a bruise on his arm earlier. he says he fell down the stairs, but i don't believe it."

"being richie, he probably did fall. don't think too much about it." ben said.


eddie was cut off by ben's watch beeping, signaling he needed to start heading home.

"i gotta go. bye bev." ben said, blushing and planting a kiss on her cheek.

"i'll see you tomorrow" beverly said, hugging him.

"i should probably get going too. i'll see you losers tomorrow" eddie said, grabbing his bag and walking away.

"ditto" mike said.

"ditto to that ditto" beverly said, standing up and following the other losers.

soon enough, eddie was laying in his bed, surrounded by darkness and thoughts of richie, wondering what the boy was doing right now.

eddie probably didn't want to know, seeing as richie was crying and bandaging his arm at the moment, thinking of an excuse for the scar the cut would leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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