Wrong is the New Right

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The word is... Wrong.

That was the word to best describe the sinking feeling that Kanda got whenever he was with someone he considered a 'significant other'. After all, he wasn't supposed to dread the time he spent with his lover. He was supposed to enjoy himself and bask in their glory, but it never felt right to him. He had only dated three people and each time there was something missing... The Moyashi was a sweet boy, even if the two fought constantly, but he lacked the aggressive passion that Kanda desired. Alma had exactly that passion, but he didn't have the personality he had grown to like from Allen... Then there was Lenalee... She lacked both things... So without much thought, Kanda had returned to Alma hoping that he could learn to love the east Asian man... That was the plan anyway, but then SHE came along...

Kylie Tsuyosa and her younger sister, Natalie, were the newest members of the Black Order and who should he find interest in, but the irritating exorcist. At first, Kanda didn't care much for either of the girls. Natalie was half human half akuma and that in itself made his skin crawl because they were supposed to be enemies. Kylie was flat out obnoxious. Point blank. End of the story. Kanda hated them more than anything, but after several weeks of literally just being around they seemed to warm his icy heart, although when it came to Kylie you couldn't really tell, and that was it. Kanda was completely and utterly INFATUATED with Kylie from that point on and he knew that it was wrong. He couldn't stop picturing different scenarios that involved her screaming and begging for him... It was completely uncharacteristic of the stoic man, but what he knew to be wrong just felt so... Right.

"Kanda-Nii? Hellooooo Earth to Kanda!"

"Tch... What do you want?"

"You spaced out again... Seriously what's wrong, Yuu?"

"Nothing... I'm going to my room..."

Kanda stood up. ignoring the fact that Natalie had referred to him by his first name and threw his untouched soba noodles into the trash before leaving the cafeteria. He had to get away before Natalie could corner him and force the real answer out of him. He just couldn't bring himself to tell her that despite being with Alma he was in love with her older sister. Life didn't work like that, but his strange behaviour didn't go unnoticed by anyone... Alma wasn't stupid despite popular belief. He had already figured out that Kanda didn't love him as much as he did a long time ago, but he couldn't be angry... Not as long as Kanda was happy. So that was it... Alma knew that the feelings between them were wrong so he mentally declared that he and Kanda were only friends, but wait there's more.

Kylie Tsuyosa had also found herself intrigued by the ebony haired samurai, but she knew that he was off limits thanks to a little thing called a relationship. She respected that... She wasn't a skank that went around stealing someone else's man for fun, but that didn't stop her from trying to be nice... The only problem was that Kanda made it hard for her to be nice to him. He acted as though he were better than everyone around him including her. She wanted to be nice, but she often found herself in a fist fight with the Japanese man when words didn't seem to work. Those were the moments that she lived for though... It was weird, but she loved their little banters... Little... Right... Either way she loved them. They got her fired up and well... Kanda was hot when he was pissed off.

So that was how Kylie found herself striding up to his door and raising her fist to knock only to stop when she heard a sharp cry emit from beyond the door. A deep crimson blush covered her cheeks and she did what one should probably never do... She pressed her ear to the door and listened. It was wrong of her, but when she heard a husky groan her mind fogged and she didn't care about right or wrong she only cared about what he was doing... The look on his face as he tried to do something she knew for a fact she could do way better... Wait... A smirk played on her plump lips as she got an idea and she knocked on his door. The sounds of pleasure stopped abruptly and were replaced by the sounds of shuffling and a breathy 'hold on' and after a few minutes Kanda had opened the door. When she saw him she couldn't contain her Cheshire like grin. His hair was a bit of a mess, his clothes were haphazardly thrown on and his cheeks were a dark crimson when he caught Kylie's hazel orbs regarding him mischievously. Kanda was one hell of a sexy mess...


"Well well... Who knew that the arrogant Yuu Kanda would be pleasing himself... Or did you find a new bitch to bang?"

"Tch... Do not call me Yuu and I am doing no such thing..." his cheeks heated up when he realized he had been caught.

"Oh ho...? So then you have a new bitch? I'm surprised anyone would actually want what you have... I've heard you're an aggressive animal and trust me it isn't a compliment."

"You are really irking my nerves you stupid hag!"

"Real original! Picking up names from Natalie and Lavi now are we?"

"You want original?"

Kanda smirked wickedly at the strawberry-caramel haired girl, catching her completely off guard when he dragged her into his room by her hips. Once the door closed the room became dark, but that was all Kylie could process before feeling his lips slam into hers' hungrily. Her face got hot and her legs grew weak the longer their heated kiss lasted, but Kanda had expected it and he picked her up not breaking the kiss until he threw her onto his bed.

"Let's see if those rumors are true."

He didn't wait for a response before climbing on top of the head strong woman who had thought it a good idea to tease him. She was irritating in that respect, but she had everything that he was looking for. Turns out the wrong thing was deliciously right.


Natalie was walking down the hall with Allen, Lavi and Lenalee at her side heading towards the library to find something to do. They joked and chattered among themselves, mostly the girls were giggling at Allen's attempt to correct Lavi and the 'Moyashi' ordeal. They were minding their own business as they made their way down the hall, but the sound of a loud gasp stopped them in their tracks.



"O-Oh... Ahh! Ka-! Ng!"

Lenalee and Allen shared a look before realization hit them and their faces flushed pure crimson at the unholy thoughts. Natalie and Lavi, however, paled at the sound and for a minute their minds had gone blank... Then something that could resemble a cinematic played in their heads involving them and their respective crush. How it would feel to be intimate like that... Again, their minds were pretty much fried and before they knew it the innocent girl and the King of Clowns was dragging them the rest of the way to the library.

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