Chapter 5

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I was too busy in thought to pay attention to Samantha. I was under his spell. His brown eyed short brown haired spell. Before I knew it, the gates were open and the loves of my lives await.

First up was Matt. Matt was kind. I had him sign my black magcon hoodie and we were off to meet Taylor.

"Hey cutie" said Taylor and I couldn't help but blush. "Want a picture?" I obviously said yes in shock and he gently cupped my cheek and kissed it.

After we met the rest of the boys, the only one left was Shawn. I was so nervous. I wasn't sure what to do.
"This is it" I said in my head. Time to meet my sunshine.

Hey guys sorry this was so short! I want to make the next chapter Shawn's pov so stay tuned for the next update! Love you guys! Xoxo

The boy with the brown eyes and a big heart (Shawn Mendes fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora