Chapter 13

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Lindsey's pov:

When I realized that Sam had stayed the night with jack, I stayed the night with Shawn. He makes me so happy. We stayed around his hotel room and watched movies and before I knew it, he picked up is guitar and sang to me. Once the most perfect notes came out of the most perfect boys lips, tears escaped my eyes.

"I love you shawn" I silently whispered to him, with my face inches apart from his

"I love you too linds" he replied while softly kissing my lips.

And before I knew it, we both fell asleep. As I wake up I looked next to me and saw shawn still sleeping. And not for nothing, he looked pretty damn adorable. I decided to get up and check my phone. I saw my whole twitter blowing up.

"What's this about?" I silently wonder to myself

As I check what I was tagged in, my eyes started to tear up. It was shawn. He posted a picture that he took while singing to me and captioned it;

"Her eyes are the kind of eyes I can stare into all day. She makes me so happy"

I honestly am so in love with this kid it's crazy. As I was checking this picture, shawn starts to wake up.

"Good morning beautiful" he said to me with a cheeky smile

"Good morning shawn, I saw the picture you tagged me in" I said with tears reforming in my eyes.

"Come here" he silently whispered.

I went to him and jumped in his arms and he kissed me. Hard. Kissing his lips is the one thing I can do all day.


A couple of hours went by and sam came back to tell me about her night with jack.

"It was the most perfect thing ever" she said to me with gleaming eyes.

I think her and jack would be so cute together. Hm, her and jack and me and shawn. While going to magcon we just expected to meet the true loves of our lives. We didn't think in 100 years we would actually date them.

By the time our fan-girling about our cute little dates were over, all the guys barged in and joined us. We decided to just hang out for a little and talk. Sadly it was our last few days here at magcon and I'm so upset. I don't want it to end. As the boys pile in, jack swings over to Sam and kisses her cheek

"Hey beautiful" he says while kissing her cheek.

Then shawn comes sitting next to me doing the same thing. Everyone comes in besides Taylor. Then about 5 minutes later he finally comes in. But with a girl.

"Hey guys!" He says with a large smile

I could tell the girl felt awkward. She looked about 17 with curly brown hair. She had a nice body figure. Small, but built. She was a little shorter than Taylor and wore a beautiful smile on her face. Actually, this girl was beautiful. But what is she doing here at magcon with taylor?"

"Oooooh Taylor who's the girl?" Nash says with a wink.

"This right here is my best friend tiana. Me and tiana were friends awhile ago and I never saw her again. Turns out she is visiting family and we met up!"

Me and Sam look at each other with the same expression. There's definitely more to this. They can't be "just friends". They look too cute together. Even the way they look at each other.

"You okay?" I ask Nash. The minute Taylor walked in with tiana, he was all wide eyed.

"Yeah I gotta go" he says while immediately getting up and running out of the hotel room.

*nashs pov*

So Taylor has a new friend. A new hot friend at that. This is going to be so awkward because who knows if Taylor has a thing with her.. I don't even know. All I know is that Tiana is beautiful and I want her in my life. I just hope this doesn't take a turn for the worse.

The boy with the brown eyes and a big heart (Shawn Mendes fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now