Chapter 10

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As I walk in to the lobby, the worker hands me a paper. The paper reads "I have a Surprise for you but your going to have to work for it. Your first clue is hiding under the covers of your bed.

I walk back up to my room. Wondering what it is, I arrive at my room and open the door. And the letter was right. Under my bed was a lump. Thinking its shawn, I instantly take the covers off. Screaming at the top of our lungs I see my best friend kristalise.

"HIIIIIII" she screams at the top of her lungs.

"Oh shit kris! What are you doing here??" I ask her while still shaking of fear.

"I'm here to offer you your next clue!" She says while handing me a paper.

Confused, I just take the paper and read what it says.

"Congrats on finding your first clue. Now I think you forgot something. Sam is still waiting for that water by the way. I think you should go and get that because she is very parched"

Totally forgetting about Sam I go back to the vending machines. I decide to buy 4 bottles of water. I then return back to our room.

"Ah look who decided to show up" Sam says to me

"I have your water, now I believe you have something to give me" I say with a smirk

As she hands me the note the nudges my shoulder and tells me "go have fun on your adventure girl"

Taking the next note I look at it with wide eyes. It says "Put on your best sundress and let your feet carry you to the front door. Your chariot awaits."

I strip of my clothes and pull on my form fitting blue sundress. It has a slit in the side of the right leg showing my skin giving it a little flare. I slip on my white sandals and let my feet carry me to the front door.

As they slide open my breath gets caught in my throat.

Matt is sitting on top of a carriage being led by two white horses. He's wearing a button down shirt and jeans to look a little fancy "you look perfect Lis!" Matt exclaims then he continues " your lover boy awaits your arrival." He says in a sing-song voice while wagging his eyebrows up and down.

I laugh" oh is he ? Where are we going?" I ask hoping he won't be vague.
"You'll see in time" he says. I guess vague is the way we are going. The butterflies are going crazy in my stomach and I can't stop smiling as the horses breath and start trotting down the street towards the beach. The sun is setting and the mix if orange red and pink make a beautiful portrait in the sky. I can't help but sigh and admire the astonishing sight.

After about 5 minutes the carriage pulled up to the beach. Matt jumped out of the carriage and lead me off the seat. I walked on the sand and saw all the boys, Sam and Kristalise making a walk way for me. At the end of the walk way I saw a white arch with lilies laced all in between the spaces. They all ushered me towards the magnificent sight.

As I got closer I saw a figure standing next to it with a single red rose in hand. Something was written in the sand but I was to far away to figure it out. I got closer and saw Shawn's brown hair all combed. He was wearing a tux and his eyes are bright and excited. While looking at him I couldn't help but think how handsome he looked and how he did all this for me. I felt tear threatening to fall.
" look absolutely breath taking " Shawn spoke in a whisper once I met him. He was kneeling down on one knee next to him engraved in the sand was the word "Party?" . He handed me the rose all while saying
"Lindsey..I was racking my brain for a perfect way to ask you to the jacks big party and the only thing that came to mind was this. You make me so happy. When I first met you I couldn't keep my eyes of you. Your beautiful jade eyes sparkle and your smile can light up any room and I'm so glad I could call you mine and with that ..I would like to ask my sexy, amazing, stunning girlfriend would attend the party with me tonight?"

When he finished I had tears in my eyes forming again and I couldn't speak so I just nodded like a bobble head. He flashed his white teeth and came up wrapping his hands around my waist. My heart picked up speed and my breathing became shallow. Our lips were so close that I could feel his breath tingling the skin on my lips . My hands found there way into his hair. His soft locks tickled my palms. Just as I closed my eyes to feel his soft lips I felt a scratchy cheek.

"JACK REALLY?" Shawn bellowed
"LETS PARTY!!! Come on love birds kiss later party now !" Johnson yelled pushing everyone into cars
Thank you jacks for being such amazing cock blocks .... I rolled my eyes and let them take us to their house. Hopefully I'll get my kiss with Shawn at the house. And well have to make up for a lost kiss as well ;) .

The boy with the brown eyes and a big heart (Shawn Mendes fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now