Chapter 14

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*back in the room in Lindsey's pov*

"Okay so why did Nash just disappear?" Asks Taylor in major confusion. No one answered, everyone just really shrugged their shoulders. So I decided to get up and go find him.

I see Nash in the far distance.

"Nash!" I shout. "Nash wait up!" I continue to shout until he finally turned around.

"Oh hey Linds" he says with sadness in his eyes.

"Is everything okay?" I ask him

"Well yeah," he begins to explain "actually not really. It's about Tiana. She's so pretty and I want to get to know her, but now it's Taylor. I don't know what relationship her and Taylor have."

"Well," I begin to explain, "I think you should talk to Taylor about this because he will find out sooner or later if you ever start dating her"

"Your right, here let's head back to the room." He says while putting his arm around me.

Finally, we are back in the room and if course shawn, Sam and jack greet me at the door. Also, I now see that Hayes and kristalise have joined us.

"Where have you guys been" asks shawn

"Just in the halls, Nash needed advice" I inform shawn as I kiss his cheek lightly.

"Okay good" he says smiling

We all make our way back to the rest of the group. Then I see Taylor roll his eyes and walk out of the room with Nash.

"What's going on with them?" Sam asks

"It's nothing, Nash is just having some relationship problems" I say trying to act as casual as I can

"Well we can't just let tiana not sit here all lonely!" I shout. Let's all introduce ourselves!

"I'm Lindsey!" I tell her

"Hi Lindsey!" She says while flashing her bright smile that I can now see why Nash likes her so much.

*nashs pov*

Talking to Lindsey made me realize that I had to say something.

"Well," she began to explain, "I think you should talk to Taylor about this because he will find out sooner or later if you ever start dating her"

"Your right, here let's head back to the room" I tell her while putting my arm around her.

While we were in the room I felt the tension. I felt that it was now or never and I had to go to Taylor. I take a deep breath and get up.

"Hey can I talk to you outside for a minute?" I ask Taylor. I can pretty much see the annoyance. Does he maybe already know? No that would be impossible

"Sure." Taylor says

When were finally outside, I finally decide to spill out everything to Taylor.

"It's about your friend tiana" I start to say with a shaky voice.

"Well what about her?" Taylor asks with his voice raising a little bit.

"I honestly find her very attractive and I wanted to see if you guys had anything goin-" and before I can finish my sentence I was cut off. The last thing I can feel is Taylor's hands wrapped around my throat.

"You listen here" Taylor starts to say in a quiet tone. "That girl means everything to me. You do ONE thing to hurt her and I swear on everything I have that I will come back to hurt you 10X harder. Got it?" He asks while squeezing my neck harder. I can't do this, I'm starting to loose oxygen.

Barley being able to make out the words, I say "got it" and slowly feel myself slowly passing out.

As I regain my strength I walk back into the room with everybody and we all make videos together. I had a fun time with everyone.

It's getting late and everyone's starting to head back to their rooms because we all have to be up early tomorrow. I figured it's now or never to talk to tiana. I walk up to her

"Hi tiana" I say

"Oh hey! Nash right?" She says with excitement.

"Yeah! I was wondering maybe tomorrow we can go to dinner or something and I can get to know you better?" I ask her with a shaky voice

"I would love to nash" she says with a smile "I would love to stay and talk but Taylor wants to go back so I'm gonna go now. see you tomorrow!" She adds

"Okay bye tiana!"

And then she left. I can't believe I just asked her to dinner. And is Taylor trying to take her away from me? It seems like everytime I try to talk to her, he's always taking her away from me. I don't care. The last thing on my mind is Taylor. The first thing on my mind it's my first get together with tiana. I'm not sure if I can call it a date just yet.

The boy with the brown eyes and a big heart (Shawn Mendes fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now