🙊Mommy my hero 🙊

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Baby boy runs into momma room after taking a nice bubble bath and getting dress all by himself like a big boy!

Baby boy:*waddles into mommy's room with his blanket in one hand and his teddy bear in the other while sucking on his Dino pacifier*ums...momma...

Mommy:*looks up from her book and smiles when she sees her handsome little boy* yes Little one is there something wrong baby?

Baby boy:um...I can't really sleep...like um...I feel nervous like a lot nervous to sleep...I don't know how to explain it im sorry this was stupid...I'm so stupid for coming here I need to be a big boy not a dumb cry baby*tears up*

Was it the voices again are they telling you these things are they making you think Like this baby please tell mommy

Baby boy:*cries* I sowwie momma I nu strong enough they be mean to me...

Mommy:*walks up to her baby boy and picks him up gently bouncing him in her arms* Baby you know they are just lies from those meanies I know it's hard but we can do it together mommy will be there for you through it all and if you think mommy is upset at you well I'm not I'm so proud that you came to me and opened up to Me about this you are such a good boy baby!

Baby boy:*sniffles*really mommy you mean it...

Mommy:*gently wipes away his tears* I mean every single word sweetie how about mommy let's you sleep with her tonight and she can read you a bedtime story until you fall asleep

Baby boy: will the story have dinosaurs in it...

Mommy:yes the story will have dinosaurs in them my little Dino baby!

Baby boy:*blushes* yays

Mommy:*kisses her baby's nose* I love you so much baby you can always come to mommy about anything understood?

Baby boy:*giggles* yes mommy I understand! I wuvs chu toos momma!

Mommy:now how about we tuck you in little Dino and mommy will read you that book!

Baby boy:RAWR!🐉

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