👗 Shopping with mommy👗

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Mommy went to go shopping because Mommy wanted to get her baby boy some cute dresses maybe even makeup mommy and baby enter the clothing store

Mommy: okay baby boy Do you remember the rules for going outside with mommy or should mommy remind you my little baby!

Baby boy:*blushes*mommy I'm a big boy! I remember that I'm not allowed to leave mommy's side and to ummm...not talk to strangers!

Mommy:*pets her baby* Good job baby I'm very proud of you!

Mommy and baby holding hands searched around the store picking out a few dresses each some skirts and pants. After about 10 to 30 minutes of looking Mommy gave baby boy his clothes to try on and lead him to the dressing room

Mommy: mommy will wait out here while you change if you need me baby just call me my love okay?

Baby boy:otay momma!

Baby boy closed the door of the changing room but be was having trouble picking which outfit to show his momma outside the door mommy is reading a news paper waiting for her baby. Baby after 5 minutes he decided on the outfit he wanted to wear changed into the outfit and opened up the door to reveal his outfit

Baby boy:* wearing a cute cactus dress while wearing a pink cartilage around him on his legs is a white and pink stocking while on his feet is a gray flat shoes finishing off the look with a white bow on his head*(pic of his outfit is on top)um...momma how do I look...

Mommy:...what a beautiful angel in front of me...

Baby boy:*blushes* momma don't say such embarrassing things like that

Mommy:baby boy you are so adorable no wait you are so incredibly beautiful in that dress give mommy a little spin my angel please!

Baby boy:*spins around in his dress and giggles*Eep!

Mommy:such a beautiful baby oh my this is just baby you have mommy speechless from you're beauty!

Baby boy:*walks over to mommy and hides in her chest*momma chu make me all blushy!

Mommy:I love you my beautiful angel get the rest of the clothes so we can pay go home and mommy can admire her precious angel!

Baby boy:I loves chu too momma!

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